
Computer Applications (PC Software)

A number of tasks in today’s world is computer based – filling an application, transferring fund, or doing online business everything can be...

Generations of Computer

The development of computer systems is normally discussed as the development over different generations. (toc) With the succession of different generations, came the...

Data Processing

Collection, manipulation, and processing collected data for the required use is known as data processing. It is a technique normally performed by a...

Computer Networking

A computer networking is a process of connecting two more than two computers with the purpose to share data, provide technical support, and...

Types of Computer Related Jobs

The fast computerization of every work and gradual dependency on computer based work has exponentially opened a new arena of Information technology for...

What is Electronic Commerce?

The advancement of computer technology and internet, domestic as well as international businesses are being fascinated towards these technologies. Today, most of the...

Software Programming

In order to make a computer functional, a set of instructions need to be programmed, as these programmed languages are carriers to the...

Algorithm Flowchart

A flowchart is a blueprint that pictorially represents the algorithm and its steps. The steps of a flowchart do not have a specific...

What is Extranet?

An extranet is a sort of personalized service, which is controlled and regulated by private network. This personalized and controlled technology provides access...

Types of Mobile Computing Device

Mobile computers are the systems, which are physically not remain connected to specific place rather these are mobile in nature, as one can...