Tag: Tech Tips

The different Abbreviations in Computer Science

The different Abbreviations in Computer Science Abbreviations In this chapter, we will discuss the different abbreviations in Computer Science. The following table lists down those abbreviations − Abbreviation Full-name A/D Analog-to-Digital ABC Atanasoff Berry Computer ACM Association for Computing Machinery AI Artificial Intelligence ALGOL Algorithic Language ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit AMD Advanced Micro Devices APRANET […]

Commonly used computer keyboard short-cut keys

Commonly used computer keyboard short-cut keys (toc) Function Short-cut keys Commonly used computer keyboard short-cut keys F1 Universal help (for any sort of program). Alt + F File menu options in current program. Alt + E Edits options in current program. Ctrl + A Selects all text. Ctrl + X Cuts the selected item. Ctrl […]

Computer Programming Languages

The computer system is simply a machine and hence it cannot perform any work; therefore, in order to make it functional different languages are developed, which are known as programming languages or simply computer languages. (toc) Over the last two decades, dozens of computer languages have been developed. Each of these languages comes with its […]

Operating System

An operating system is the fundamental basis of all other application programs. Operating system is an intermediary between the users and the hardware. (toc) Operating system controls and coordinates the use of hardware among application programs. The major services of an operating system are − Memory management Disk access Creating user interface Managing the different […]


Internet is a system that interconnects the different computer systems across the world. It uses the Internet protocol suite to link devices located in different corners of the world. (toc) The Internet system carries an extensive range of information resources and services including World Wide Web (WWW), telephony, electronic mail, etc. It uses standard internet […]

Types of Computer

All the computers that are developed are not alike rather they have different designs and features. Some computers have very high capacity as well as working speed; however, some are slow. Depending upon the requirements, computers are being developed. (toc) Types of Computer Depending upon the internal structure and subsequent features and applicability, computer system […]

Computer Networking Terminology

In this chapter, we will discuss the major terminologies used in computer networking  (toc) WAN It stands for Wide Area Network and covers a wide area such as a city. LAN It stands for Local Area Network and covers a small area such as a small office or home. It physically connects all the computers […]

Computer Applications (PC Software)

A number of tasks in today’s world is computer based – filling an application, transferring fund, or doing online business everything can be done through computer application. Easily accessible and user friendly, computer applications process the required transactions very quickly and accurately. (toc) Computer applications are designed in such a simple manner that no qualification […]

Data Processing

Collection, manipulation, and processing collected data for the required use is known as data processing. It is a technique normally performed by a computer; the process includes retrieving, transforming, or classification of information. (toc) However, the processing of data largely depends on the following − The volume of data that need to be processed The […]

Computer Networking

A computer networking is a process of connecting two more than two computers with the purpose to share data, provide technical support, and to communicate (especially for the business purpose. (toc) Internet is the technology that is used to connect different computer systems (located in different geographic location). Networking technology has revolutionized the world and […]