M S Office Tutorials

MS PowerPoint – Adding Header & Footer

  PowerPoint offers the ability to add header and footers to the slides. While having footers in presentations is logical, header may not be...

M S PowerPoint – Running Slide Show

  Most PowerPoint presentations are created to be run as a slideshow. Given all the advanced features available in PowerPoint 2010, it is no...

MS PowerPoint Keyboard Shortcuts

  Like the other windows based programs, PowerPoint 2010 also offers a wide range of keyboard shortcuts. For the current PowerPoint users, there is...

Translate Worksheet in MS Excel

You can translate the text written in a different language, such as phrases or paragraphs, individual words (by using the Mini Translator), or...

Workbook Security in MS Excel

Workbook Security We can apply security to the workbook by the concept of protection available in the Review Tab of ribbon. MS Excel’s...

Data Tables in MS Excel

In Excel, a Data Table is a way to see different results by altering an input cell in your formula. Data tables are...

Pivot Tables in MS Excel

A pivot table is essentially a dynamic summary report generated from a database. The database can reside in a worksheet (in the form...

Simple Charts in MS Excel

A chart is a visual representation of numeric values. Charts (also known as graphs) have been an integral part of spreadsheets. Charts generated...

Pivot Charts MS Excel

A pivot chart is a graphical representation of a data summary, displayed in a pivot table. A pivot chart is always based on...

Keyboard Shortcuts in MS Excel

Keyboard Shortcuts in MS Excel MS Excel Keyboard Short-cuts MS Excel offers many keyboard short-cuts. If you are familiar with windows operating system,...