All modern computers and computing devices Historically computers were classified according to processor types because development in processor and processing speeds were the developmental benchmarks. Earliest computers used vacuum tubes for processing, were huge and broke down frequently. However, as vacuum tubes were replaced by transistors and then chips, their size decreased and processing speeds […]
Tag: Laptop
Microprocessor Concepts
Microprocessor is the brain of computer, which does all the work. It is a computer processor that incorporates all the functions of CPU (Central Processing Unit) on a single IC (Integrated Circuit) or at the most a few ICs. Microprocessors were first introduced in early 1970s. 4004 was the first general purpose microprocessor used by Intel […]
Secondary Memory
You know that processor memory, also known as primary memory, is expensive as well as limited. The faster primary memory are also volatile. If we need to store large amount of data or programs permanently, we need a cheaper and permanent memory. Such memory is called secondary memory. Here we will discuss secondary memory devices that […]
Fundamental Concept
A computer is basically a programmable machine capable to perform arithmetic and logical operations automatically and sequentially. It is also known as a data processor, as it can store, process, and retrieve data as per the wish of the user. (toc) Computer Data processing involves the following three activities − Input of data Manipulation/processing of […]
Computer System
A computer system is an integrated form of different components that work together to give a desirable result. It has different component and each works for a specific purpose; however, they generate a common result as required by the user. (toc) Computer System Components of Computer System Let us now understand the following basic components […]
Types of Computer
All the computers that are developed are not alike rather they have different designs and features. Some computers have very high capacity as well as working speed; however, some are slow. Depending upon the requirements, computers are being developed. (toc) Types of Computer Depending upon the internal structure and subsequent features and applicability, computer system […]
Computer Networking Terminology
In this chapter, we will discuss the major terminologies used in computer networking (toc) WAN It stands for Wide Area Network and covers a wide area such as a city. LAN It stands for Local Area Network and covers a small area such as a small office or home. It physically connects all the computers […]
Computer Networking
A computer networking is a process of connecting two more than two computers with the purpose to share data, provide technical support, and to communicate (especially for the business purpose. (toc) Internet is the technology that is used to connect different computer systems (located in different geographic location). Networking technology has revolutionized the world and […]
What is Extranet?
An extranet is a sort of personalized service, which is controlled and regulated by private network. This personalized and controlled technology provides access only to partners, vendors, and suppliers; sometimes, not essentially, but also to some specific customers. (toc) An extranet is a private network organization, which is actually the part of respective company’s intranet […]
Windows11 – Keyboard Shortcuts and System Commands
Windows11 – Keyboard Shortcuts and System Commands (toc) Microsoft Word F1 key: Get help on a selected command or use the Office assistant. Shift and F1 Key: Review text formatting. F2 Key: Move text or image. Shift + F2 Key: Copy text. F3 Key: Insert an autotext entry. Shift + F3 Key: Change the case of the selected text. F4 Key: Perform last action again. Shift + F4 Key: Perform […]