All modern computers and computing devices Historically computers were classified according to processor types because development in processor and processing speeds were the developmental benchmarks. Earliest computers used vacuum tubes for processing, were huge and broke down frequently. However, as vacuum tubes were replaced by transistors and then chips, their size decreased and processing speeds […]
Tag: Generations of Computer
Secondary Memory
You know that processor memory, also known as primary memory, is expensive as well as limited. The faster primary memory are also volatile. If we need to store large amount of data or programs permanently, we need a cheaper and permanent memory. Such memory is called secondary memory. Here we will discuss secondary memory devices that […]
Generations of Computer
The development of computer systems is normally discussed as the development over different generations. (toc) With the succession of different generations, came the advancement in computer technology. Computer Generations Let us now discuss the development in Computer Technology over the different generations. First Generation The period 1940 to 1956, roughly considered as the First Generation […]