Microprocessor is the brain of computer, which does all the work. It is a computer processor that incorporates all the functions of CPU (Central Processing Unit) on a single IC (Integrated Circuit) or at the most a few ICs. Microprocessors were first introduced in early 1970s. 4004 was the first general purpose microprocessor used by Intel […]
Tag: Computer Jobs
Primary Memory
Memory is required in computers to store data and instructions. Memory is physically organized as a large number of cells that are capable of storing one bit each. Logically they are organized as groups of bits called words that are assigned an address. Data and instructions are accessed through these memory address. The speed with which these memory […]
Types of Computer Related Jobs
The fast computerization of every work and gradual dependency on computer based work has exponentially opened a new arena of Information technology for employment. However, the IT field requires qualified and trained employees who can design and develop a new information system. Information technology has also helped in research and development and has further developed […]