Move Around in M S Excel

Excel provides a number of ways to move around a sheet using the mouse and the keyboard.

First of all, let us create some sample text before we proceed. Open a new excel sheet and type any data. We’ve shown a sample data in the screenshot.

OrderDate Region Rep Item Units Unit Cost Total
1/6/2010 East Jones Pencil 95 1.99 189.05
1/23/2010 Central Kivell Binder 50 19.99 999.5
2/9/2010 Central Jardine Pencil 36 4.99 179.64
2/26/2010 Central Gill Pen 27 19.99 539.73
3/15/2010 West Sorvino Pencil 56 2.99 167.44
4/1/2010 East Jones Binder 60 4.99 299.4
4/18/2010 Central Andrews Pencil 75 1.99 149.25
5/5/2010 Central Jardine Pencil 90 4.99 449.1
5/22/2010 West Thompson Pencil 32 1.99 63.68
6/8/2010 East Jones Binder 60 8.99 539.4
6/25/2010 Central Morgan Pencil 90 4.99 449.1
7/12/2010 East Howard Binder 29 1.99 57.71
7/29/2010 East Parent Binder 81 19.99 1,619.19
8/15/2010 East Jones Pencil 35 4.99 174.65
Excel Sample Text
Excel Sample Text

Moving with Mouse

You can easily move the insertion point by clicking in your text anywhere on the screen. Sometime if the sheet is big then you cannot see a place where you want to move. In such situations, you would have to use the scroll bars, as shown in the following screen shot −

Excel Scroll Bars
Excel Scroll Bars

You can scroll your sheet by rolling your mouse wheel, which is equivalent to clicking the up-arrow or down-arrow buttons in the scroll bar.

Moving with Scroll Bars

As shown in the above screen capture, there are two scroll bars: one for moving vertically within the sheet, and one for moving horizontally. Using the vertical scroll bar, you may −

  • Move upward by one line by clicking the upward-pointing scroll arrow.

  • Move downward by one line by clicking the downward-pointing scroll arrow.

  • Move one next page, using next page button (footnote).

  • Move one previous page, using previous page button (footnote).

  • Use Browse Object button to move through the sheet, going from one chosen object to the next.

Moving with Keyboard

The following keyboard commands, used for moving around your sheet, also move the insertion point −

Keystroke Where the Insertion Point Moves
Forward Arrow Forward one box
Backword Arrow Back one box
Upward Arrow Up one box
Downard Arrow Down one box
PageUp To the previous screen
PageDown To the next screen
Home To the beginning of the current screen
End To the end of the current screen

You can move box by box or sheet by sheet. Now click in any box containing data in the sheet. You would have to hold down the Ctrl key while pressing an arrow key, which moves the insertion point as described here −

Key Combination Where the Insertion Point Moves
Ctrl + Forward Arrow To the last box containing data of the current row.
Ctrl + Backword Arrow To the first box containing data of the current row.
Ctrl + Upward Arrow To the first box containing data of the current column.
Ctrl + Downard Arrow To the last box containing data of the current column.
Ctrl + PageUp To the sheet in the left of the current sheet.
Ctrl + PageDown To the sheet in the right of the current sheet.
Ctrl + Home To the beginning of the sheet.
Ctrl + End To the end of the sheet.

Moving with Go To Command

Press F5 key to use Go To command, which will display a dialogue box where you will find various options to reach to a particular box.

Normally, we use row and column number, for example K5 and finally press Go To button.

Excel Go To Command
Excel Go To Command

Save Workbook in M S Excel

Saving New Sheet

Once you are done with typing in your new excel sheet, it is time to save your sheet/workbook to avoid losing work you have done on an Excel sheet. Following are the steps to save an edited excel sheet −

Step 1 − Click the File tab and select Save As option.

Save As Option
Save As Option

Step 2 − Select a folder where you would like to save the sheet, Enter file name, which you want to give to your sheet and Select a Save as type, by default it is .docx format.

Save Option
Save Option

Step 3 − Finally, click on Save button and your sheet will be saved with the entered name in the selected folder.

Saving New Changes

There may be a situation when you open an existing sheet and edit it partially or completely, or even you would like to save the changes in between editing of the sheet. If you want to save this sheet with the same name, then you can use either of the following simple options −

  • Just press Ctrl + S keys to save the changes.

  • Optionally, you can click on the floppy icon available at the top left corner and just above the File tab. This option will also save the changes.

  • You can also use third method to save the changes, which is the Saveoption available just above the Save As option as shown in the above screen capture.

If your sheet is new and it was never saved so far, then with either of the three options, word would display you a dialogue box to let you select a folder, and enter sheet name as explained in case of saving new sheet.

Create Worksheet in M S Excel

Creating New Worksheet

Three new blank sheets always open when you start Microsoft Excel. Below steps explain you how to create a new worksheet if you want to start another new worksheet while you are working on a worksheet, or you closed an already opened worksheet and want to start a new worksheet.

Step 1 − Right Click the Sheet Name and select Insert option.

New Sheet
New Sheet

Step 2 − Now you’ll see the Insert dialog with select Worksheet option as selected from the general tab. Click the Ok button.

Insert Dialog
Insert Dialog

Now you should have your blank sheet as shown below ready to start typing your text.

Blank Sheet
Blank Sheet

You can use a short cut to create a blank sheet anytime. Try using the Shift+F11 keys and you will see a new blank sheet similar to the above sheet is opened.

Copy Worksheet in M S Excel

Copy Worksheet

First of all, let us create some sample text before we proceed. Open a new excel sheet and type any data. We’ve shown a sample data in the screenshot.

OrderDate Region Rep Item Units Unit Cost Total
1/6/2010 East Jones Pencil 95 1.99 189.05
1/23/2010 Central Kivell Binder 50 19.99 999.5
2/9/2010 Central Jardine Pencil 36 4.99 179.64
2/26/2010 Central Gill Pen 27 19.99 539.73
3/15/2010 West Sorvino Pencil 56 2.99 167.44
4/1/2010 East Jones Binder 60 4.99 299.4
4/18/2010 Central Andrews Pencil 75 1.99 149.25
5/5/2010 Central Jardine Pencil 90 4.99 449.1
5/22/2010 West Thompson Pencil 32 1.99 63.68
6/8/2010 East Jones Binder 60 8.99 539.4
6/25/2010 Central Morgan Pencil 90 4.99 449.1
7/12/2010 East Howard Binder 29 1.99 57.71
7/29/2010 East Parent Binder 81 19.99 1,619.19
8/15/2010 East Jones Pencil 35 4.99 174.65
Excel Sample Text
Excel Sample Text

Here are the steps to copy an entire worksheet.

Step 1 − Right Click the Sheet Name and select the Move or Copy option.

Copy Sheet
Copy Sheet

Step 2 − Now you’ll see the Move or Copy dialog with select Worksheetoption as selected from the general tab. Click the Ok button.

Move Dialog
Move Dialog

Select Create a Copy Checkbox to create a copy of the current sheet and Before sheet option as (move to end) so that new sheet gets created at the end.

Press the Ok Button.

Now you should have your copied sheet as shown below.

Copied Sheet
Copied Sheet

You can rename the sheet by double clicking on it. On double click, the sheet name becomes editable. Enter any name say Sheet5 and press Tab or Enter Key.

Hiding Worksheet in M S Excel

Hiding Worksheet

Here is the step to hide a worksheet.

Step − Right Click the Sheet Name and select the Hide option. Sheet will get hidden.

Hide Sheet
Hide Sheet

Unhiding Worksheet

Here are the steps to unhide a worksheet.

Step 1 − Right Click on any Sheet Name and select the Unhide… option.

Unhide Sheet
Unhide Sheet

Step 2 − Select Sheet Name to unhide in Unhide dialog to unhide the sheet.

Press the Ok Button.

Now you will have your hidden sheet back.

Delete Worksheet in M S Excel

Delete Worksheet

Here is the step to delete a worksheet.

Step − Right Click the Sheet Name and select the Delete option.

Delete Sheet
Delete Sheet

Sheet will get deleted if it is empty, otherwise you’ll see a confirmation message.

Delete Sheet2
Delete Sheet 2

Press the Delete Button.

Now your worksheet will get deleted.

Close Workbook in M S Excel

Close Workbook

Here are the steps to close a workbook.

Step 1 − Click the Close Button as shown below.

Close Sheet
Close Sheet

You’ll see a confirmation message to save the workbook.

Close Sheet2
Close Sheet2

Step 2 − Press the Save Button to save the workbook as we did in MS Excel – Save Workbook chapter.

Now your worksheet will get closed.

Open Workbook in M S Excel

Let us see how to open workbook from excel in the below mentioned steps.

Step 1 − Click the File Menu as shown below. You can see the Open optionin File Menu.

There are two more columns Recent workbooks and Recent places, where you can see the recently opened workbooks and the recent places from where workbooks are opened.

File Menu
File Menu

Step 2 − Clicking the Open Option will open the browse dialog as shown below. Browse the directory and find the file you need to open.

Open Dialog
Open Dialog

Step 3 − Once you select the workbook your workbook will be opened as below −

File Menu
File Menu

Insert Data in M S Excel

In MS Excel, there are 1048576*16384 cells. MS Excel cell can have Text, Numeric value or formulas. An MS Excel cell can have maximum of 32000 characters.

Inserting Data

For inserting data in MS Excel, just activate the cell type text or number and press enter or Navigation keys.

Insert Data
Insert Data

Inserting Formula

For inserting formula in MS Excel go to the formula bar, enter the formula and then press enter or navigation key. See the screen-shot below to understand it.

Insert Formula
Insert Formula

Modifying Cell Content

For modifying the cell content just activate the cell, enter a new value and then press enter or navigation key to see the changes. See the screen-shot below to understand it.

Modify Cell Content
Modify Cell Content

Select Data in M S Excel

MS Excel provides various ways of selecting data in the sheet. Let us see those ways.

Select with Mouse

Drag the mouse over the data you want to select. It will select those cells as shown below.

Select Data with mouse
Select Data with mouse

Select with Special

If you want to select specific region, select any cell in that region. Pressing F5will show the below dialogue box.

Clicking F5 on Cell
Clicking F5 on Cell

Click on Special button to see the below dialogue box. Select current region from the radio buttons. Click on ok to see the current region selected.

Selecting Current region
Selecting Current region

As you can see in the below screen, the data is selected for the current region.

See Selected Data
See Selected Data