Presentation Views MS PowerPoint

PowerPoint supports multiple views to allow users to gain the maximum from the features available in the program. Each view supports a different...

Setting Backgrounds in MS PowerPoint

As PowerPoint is a design-based program, backgrounds are effective ways of improving the aesthetics and readability of the slides. The Themes in PowerPoint help select...

Slide Orientations in MS PowerPoint

In the recent years, presentations are being used for more than just as a high end replacement for transparencies and projectors. With its...

Saving Presentation in MS PowerPoint

One of the most basic tasks in PowerPoint is being able to save your work; this is probably the most important task as...

Review Presentation in MS PowerPoint

Reviewing the presentation can be a very powerful way of eliminating the errors and perfecting the slides. PowerPoint offers a wide range of...

Adding Slide Numbers in MS PowerPoint

  Just like you have page numbers for books, it is usually a good idea to add slide numbers to presentations. There are...

MS PowerPoint – Adding Header & Footer

  PowerPoint offers the ability to add header and footers to the slides. While having footers in presentations is logical, header may not be...

M S PowerPoint – Running Slide Show

  Most PowerPoint presentations are created to be run as a slideshow. Given all the advanced features available in PowerPoint 2010, it is no...

MS PowerPoint Keyboard Shortcuts

  Like the other windows based programs, PowerPoint 2010 also offers a wide range of keyboard shortcuts. For the current PowerPoint users, there is...

Translate Worksheet in MS Excel

You can translate the text written in a different language, such as phrases or paragraphs, individual words (by using the Mini Translator), or...