Steps to Help You Start a Startup

Steps to Help You Start a Startup
Steps to Help You Start a Startup

If you’ve never started a business, the first time can be a little scary. Especially because it takes a lot of hard work and planning. On top of this, only about half of all businesses survive five years or longer.


Luckily, there are 9 basic strategies for startups you can follow to help get your company up and running:

Steps to Help You Start a Startup

1. Start with a Great Idea

Your first step in learning how to start a business is to identify a problem and solution. This is because successful startups begin from business ideas that fill the needs of a group of customers. But your idea doesn’t always have to be a new one. You can update existing products or services in a way that’s better for the consumer. This can be as simple as:
  • Changing the product’s appearance
  • Adding a new feature
  • Finding a new use for a product that customers already love
For instance, Apple started from Steve Jobs’ original idea for a computer and has since created enhanced versions that better fit the market. They’ve also continued to evolve newer products like iPhones and iPads, making them more useful with each update. One example is how they’re adding a keyboard for iPads that’ll make them easier to use like a laptop.2 All these innovations by Apple led to them being worth of over a billion dollars.

2. Make a Business Plan

Once you have an idea, you’ll want to start building a business plan that describes your products and services in detail. It should include information on your industry, operations, finances and a market analysis.
Writing a business plan is also important for getting financing for your startup. Banks are more likely to give loans to companies that can clearly explain how they’re going to use the money and why they need it.

3. Secure Funding for Your Startup

The cost of a startup is different for every business owner. However, no matter what your costs are, you’ll likely need to get startup financing from:
  • Friends and family
  • Angel investors
  • Venture capitalists
  • Bank loans
You can also apply for a business credit card. Many companies offer 0% APR promotions, which means you won’t pay interest on your purchases if you pay off the balance before the end of the offer period. We’ve partnered with Fundera, which put together a list of the top credit cards offering 0% interest rates.
If you don’t get the right amount of funding or can’t raise money for your business, you’ll risk not being able to pay your operating costs. This may cause you to close your doors. In fact, it’s estimated that 29% of startups fail because they run out of money.3
To make sure you get the right amount, you’ll want to estimate your costs and cash flow, including the interest rates on your loans. Once you do that, you can use QuickBooks or FreshBooks to track your expenses and help you stick to a budget.

4. Surround Yourself With the Right People

There can be a lot of risk in starting a business. That’s why you’ll need essential business advisors to help guide you along the way, like:
  • Attorneys
  • Certified Public Accountants (CPAs)
  • Insurance professionals
  • Bankers
Building the right startup team is especially important in the early stages of small businesses. This means you’ll want to carefully select your:
  • Co-founders
  • Contractors
  • Initial employees, including remote workers

5. Make Sure You’re Following All the Legal Steps

From designing your product to setting up your workplace, opening your dream startup can be a lot of fun. But before you officially enter the market, you’ll want to take the right legal steps to give you the best chance at success, including:
  • Applying for a business license
  • Registering your business name
  • Getting a federal tax ID number
  • Filing for a trademark
  • Creating a separate bank account
  • Familiarizing yourself with industry regulations
  • Building contracts for clients and others you plan to work with

6. Establish a Location (Physical and Online)

Whether you need to establish a manufacturing facility, set up an office space or open a storefront, you’ll want to determine if leasing or buying a property is right for you. In many cases, you can get tax deductions for managing a commercial space, which is a benefit to owning your own place. You’ll also be able to rent it out to make extra income.
However, one reason startups lease in the beginning is so they can invest their money into other aspects of the company. Leasing can also be a cheaper way to get your startup in a prime location. Keep in mind that rent prices can spike unexpectedly, which can force you to spend more or move. You also won’t build any equity while you lease.
In today’s digital era, it’s important to set up an online presence and e-commerce platform. In fact, you’ll have trouble being successful without it. This is because customers are increasingly shopping online and using google to find out more information on your products. On top of this, websites offer advantages like:
  • Keeping your store open 24 hours a day, on weekends and on holidays, which increases sales.
  • Helping you reach customers around the world.
  • Allowing customers to read reviews about your products, which can raise your brand’s credibility.
You can enhance your online presence even more by starting a blog. This can help you establish yourself as an expert in your field. You can also use search engine optimization (SEO) to increase your brand’s visibility on Google searches. And it’s always a good idea to post on social media platforms, where your audience visits frequently.

7. Develop a Marketing Plan

Every startup needs to spend different amounts of money and time on marketing. It’s an important expense, because it helps you:
  • Establish a brand identity
  • Stand out from competition
  • Create customer relationships and build loyalty
  • Increase visibility, which attracts new customers
  • Strengthen your company’s reputation
Some startup marketing activities you should look into include:
  • Using social media to engage customers and promote coupons or deals
  • Giving rewards out for referrals, which brings in more business
  • Offering free samples or demos in your store
  • Sponsoring events to get your name out there in local communities

8. Build a Customer Base

In order for your startup business to have long-term success, you’ll want to build a customer base. These loyal customers can help with:
  • Boosting your sales, because they’re willing to keep spending at your company
  • Sending a message to new customers that your brand is trustworthy
  • Gaining referrals, which saves you time and effort with finding new customers
Some ways you can attract and retain customers include:
  • Regularly offering a great product or service
  • Launching loyalty programs to keep them coming in
  • Using affiliate marketing on social media, which involves paying influencers to promote products to your target audience
  • Focusing on great customer service
  • Using market research to understand your customers’ expectations better
  • Asking for feedback directly from the customer
On top of this, the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) found that 92% of consumers said their loyalty to specific retailers was because they offered prices that were fair and matched the value of their product, while 79% said it was because of product quality.4

9. Plan to Change

Startups change drastically within their first few years in operation. A key to success is to evolve and adapt your business model to your market and industry.
Some strategies to make sure you’re prepared to adapt are:
  • Hiring forward thinkers so you know your team is adaptable
  • Listening to feedback from customers, suppliers and others that you work with
  • Staying updated on trends in your industry
Remember, it’s businesses that are willing to evolve with consumer expectations that are able to establish themselves for years to come.

The Complete 35-Step Guide For Entrepreneurs Starting A Business

Starting a business entails understanding and dealing with many issues—legal, financing, sales and marketing, intellectual property protection, liability protection, human resources, and more. But interest in entrepreneurship is at an all-time high. And there have been spectacular success stories of early stage startups growing to be multi-billion-dollar companies, such as Uber, Facebook, WhatsApp, Airbnb, and many others.

In this article, I give an overview of 35 key steps for entrepreneurs who are starting a business, with links to additional articles addressing some of the topics in more depth.

1. Understand the Commitment and Challenges Involved in Starting a Business

Starting a business is a huge commitment. Entrepreneurs often fail to appreciate the significant amount of time, resources, and energy needed to start and grow a business.

Here are some of the biggest challenges to starting and growing a business:

  • Coming up with a great and unique product or service
  • Having a strong plan and vision for the business
  • Having sufficient capital and cash flow
  • Finding great employees
  • Firing bad employees quickly in a way that doesn’t result in legal liability
  • Working more than you expected
  • Not getting discouraged by rejections from customers
  • Managing your time efficiently
  • Maintaining a reasonable work/life balance
  • Knowing when to pivot your strategy
  • Maintaining the stamina to keep going even when it’s tough

2. Protect Your Personal Assets by Forming the Business as a Corporation or LLC

Never start a business as a “sole proprietorship,” which can result in your personal assets being at risk for the debts and liabilities of the business. You will almost always want to start the business as an S corporation (giving you favorable flow through tax treatment), a C corporation (which is what most venture capital investors expect to see), or a limited liability company (LLC). None of those are particularly expensive or difficult to set up. My personal preference is to start the business as an S corporation, which can then easily be converted to a C corporation as you bring in investors and issue multiple classes of stock.

Many business owners, however, are under the mistaken impression that they are completely protected from personal liability by filing a Certificate of Incorporation for a corporation. This is not true. The mere process of incorporating does not completely protect the business owners. To lessen the likelihood of such personal or shareholder liability, you should make sure to adhere to certain procedures:

  • Always use the corporate name. The name of the corporation should be used in full, including “Inc.” or “Corp.” on all contracts, invoices, or documents used by the corporation. This clearly indicates the existence of the corporation as a separate entity.
  • Always use proper signature. This means that you will sign on behalf of the corporation, using the name of the corporation and your title. You should typically use the following format when signing contracts on behalf of the corporation:


By: ___________________________________

Your name – authorized signing officer and corporate title

  • Follow all corporate formalities. This includes following bylaws, issuing stock properly, holding meetings of the Board of Directors, recording the meeting minutes, and following other corporate formalities.
  • Make sure to keep funds separate. Corporate funds and the funds of individual shareholders should not be in the same accounts or combined for any reason.
  • Make sure to keep taxation separate. The company taxes should be paid entirely from corporate accounts and separate tax returns filed for the corporation.
  • All transactions made by the corporation should be clearly separate from any individual transactions. Essentially, by never blurring the line between individual shareholders, owners or the Board of Directors, and the company (which stands as a separate entity), you run less risk of any personal liabilities for the debts of the business.

3. Come Up With a Great Name for Your Business

Selecting the right name for your startup can have a significant impact on your business success. The wrong name could result in insurmountable legal and business hurdles. Here are some basic tips on how to name your startup:

  • Avoid hard-to-spell names.
  • Don’t pick a name that could be limiting as your business grows.
  • Conduct a thorough Internet search on a proposed name.
  • Get a “.com” domain name (as opposed to “.net” or another variant).
  • Conduct a thorough trademark search.
  • Make sure you and your employees will be happy saying the name.
  • Come up with five names you like and test market the name with prospective employees, partners, investors, and potential customers.

4. Focus on Building a Great Product—But Don’t Take Forever to Launch

When starting out, your product or service has to be at least good if not great. It must be differentiated in some meaningful and important way from the offerings of your competition‎. Everything else follows from this key principle. Don’t drag your feet on getting your product out to market, since early customer feedback is one of the best ways to help improve your product. Of course, you want a “minimum viable product” (MVP) to begin with, but even that product should be good and differentiated from the competition. Having a “beta” test product works for many startups as they work the bugs out from user reactions. As Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook has said, “Done is better than perfect.”

5. Build a Great Website for Your Company

You should devote time and effort to building a great website for your business. Prospective investors, customers, and partners are going to check out your site, and you want to impress them with a professional product. Here are some tips for building a great company website:

  • Check out competitor sites.
  • Start by sketching out a template for your site.
  • Come up with five or six sites you can share with your web site developer to convey what you like.
  • Be sure the site is search engine optimized (and thus more likely to show up early on Google search results).
  • Produce high-quality original content.
  • Make sure your site is optimized for mobile devices.
  • Make sure the site loads quickly.
  • Keep it clean and simple; visual clutter will drive visitors away.
  • Make sure you have a Terms of Use Agreement and Privacy Policy (and comply with the European GDPR rules).
  • Make the navigation bars prominent.
  • Obtain and use a memorable “.com” domain name.
  • Make the site visually interesting.
  • Make sure it’s easy for site visitors to contact you or buy your product.

6. Perfect Your Elevator Pitch

An “elevator” pitch is intended to be a concise, compelling introduction to your business. You should be able to slightly modify your elevator pitch depending on whether you are pitching to prospective investors, customers, employees, or partners. Here are a few tips for developing and delivering a great elevator pitch:

  • Start out strong.
  • Be positive and enthusiastic in your delivery.
  • Remember that practice makes perfect.
  • Keep it to 60 seconds in length.
  • Avoid using industry jargon.
  • Convey why your business is unique.
  • Pitch the problem you are solving.
  • Invite participation or interruption by the listener—this shows they are interested and engaged.

7. Make the Deal Clear With Co-Founders

If you start your company with co-founders, you should agree early on about the details of your business relationship. Not doing so can potentially cause significant legal problems down the road (a good example of this is the infamous Zuckerberg/Winklevoss Facebook litigation). In a way, think of the founder agreement as a form of “pre-nuptial agreement.” Here are the key deal terms your written founder agreement needs to address:

  • How is the equity split among the founders?
  • Is the percentage of ownership subject to vesting based on continued participation in the business?
  • What are the roles and responsibilities of the founders?
  • If one founder leaves, does the company or the other founder have the right to buy back that founder’s shares? At what price?
  • How much time commitment to the business is expected of each founder?
  • What salaries (if any) are the founders entitled to? How can that be changed?
  • How are key decisions and day-to-day decisions of the business to be made? (by majority vote, unanimous vote, or are certain decisions solely in the hands of the CEO?)
  • Under what circumstances can a founder be removed as an employee of the business? (usually, this would be a Board decision)
  • What assets or cash does each founder contribute or invest into the business?
  • How will a sale of the business be decided?
  • What happens if one founder isn’t living up to expectations under the founder agreement? How will it be resolved?
  • What is the overall goal and vision for the business?
  • If one founder wants to leave the business, does the company have the right to buy back his or her shares? At what price?

8. Obtain a Tax ID

In most instances, you will need to get a tax ID from the IRS for your company. This is also known as an “Employer Identification Number” (EIN), and it’s similar to a Social Security number, but for businesses. Banks will ask for your EIN when you open a company bank account. You can get an EIN online through the IRS website.

In some states, a state tax ID may be necessary as well (for example, California, New York, and Texas require a state ID, which can be obtained online).

9. Set Up a Good Accounting and Bookkeeping System

You will need to set up a bookkeeping/accounting system to keep track of your finances—income, expenses, capital expenditures, EBITDA, profit and loss, etc. This is important in order to understand your business’s cash flow situation and also for tax-filing purposes.

There are a number of online software solutions that can be helpful in this regard, such as QuickBooks, Zoho, FreshBooks, and Xero.

10. Perform a Comprehensive Reference Check Before You Hire an Employee

Many employers conduct a limited and incomplete reference check when interviewing job candidates, which can result in hiring people who are unable to perform their required duties or who don’t work well with others. A comprehensive reference check includes:

  • Verification of job titles and dates of employment
  • Verification of educational degrees and dates of attendance at schools
  • Verification of starting and ending salary
  • Verification of prior job role and responsibilities
  • Inquiry as to why the applicant left the prior employer
  • Conversations with prior supervisors as to the applicant’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Inquiry as to the applicant’s ability to get along well with other employees and customers
  • Inquiry as to the applicant’s ability to take on the new role
  • Inquiry as to punctuality or absenteeism issues
  • Reference checks with other people not listed by the applicant as a reference

The purpose of these checks is to make sure that the applicant will fit into the company’s culture and to ensure that they have been truthful and accurate in their resume and employment application. However, the process is carefully regulated by the federal government (through the Fair Credit Reporting Act) and the laws of many states; failure to follow the highly technical process can lead to class action lawsuits. Consider consulting legal counsel and, for general information, see the EEOC’s Background Checks: What Employers Need to Know.

It is also useful to require all prospective employees to complete an employment application.

11. Use a Good Form of Employee Offer Letter or Employment Agreement

Oral agreements often lead to misunderstandings. If you plan to hire a prospective employee, use a carefully drafted offer letter, which the employee should be encouraged to review carefully before signing. For senior executives, a more detailed employment agreement often makes sense. A good offer letter or employment agreement will address the following key items:

  • The job title and role of the employee
  • Whether the job is full time or part time
  • When the job will commence
  • The salary, benefits, and any potential bonuses
  • Whether the position is “at will” employment, meaning either party is free to terminate the relationship at any time without penalty (although employers may not terminate employees for legally prohibited reasons, such as for age discrimination or retaliation from sexual harassment allegations, etc.)
  • Confirmation that the “at will” agreement may not be changed unless signed by an authorized officer of the company
  • Confirmation that the employee will need to sign a separate Confidentiality and Invention Assignment Agreement (described below)
  • If the company chooses, a statement that any disputes between the parties will be resolved solely and exclusively by confidential binding arbitration (also discussed below)
  • Any stock options to be granted to the employee and the terms of any vesting (details usually laid out in a separate Stock Option Agreement)
  • The supervisor to whom the employee will report
  • Protective language stating that the offer letter constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the parties with respect to the employment relationship, and that there are no other agreements or benefits expected (unless additional provisions are laid out in a handbook, which should be referenced if applicable)

Companies should ensure that the employee and the company sign the letter, the Confidentiality and Invention Assignment Agreement, any Stock Option Agreement, and any first-day paperwork (such as the IRS W-4 Form for withholding and the I-9 form mandated by law).

12. Make Sure All Employees Sign a Confidentiality and Invention Assignment Agreement

Companies pay employees to come up with ideas, work product, and inventions that may be useful to the business. Employees have access to a good deal of their company’s confidential information, which can be very valuable, especially in technology companies.

One basic way to protect proprietary company information is through the use of a Confidentiality and Invention Assignment Agreement. This type of agreement deals with confidentiality issues, but can also ensure that the ideas, work product, and inventions the employee creates that are related to company business belong to the company—not the employee.

A good Employee Confidentiality and Invention Assignment Agreement will cover the following key points:

  • The employee may not use or disclose any of the company’s confidential information for their own benefit or use, or for the benefit of others, without authorization.
  • The employee must promptly disclose to the company any inventions, ideas, discoveries, and work product related to the company’s business that they make during the period of employment.
  • The company is the owner of such inventions, ideas, discoveries, and work product, which the employee must assign to the company.
  • The employee’s employment with the company does not and will not breach any agreement or duty that the employee has with anyone else, nor may the employee disclose to the company or use on its behalf any confidential information belonging to others.
  • Upon termination of employment, the employee must return any and all confidential information and company property.
  • While employed, the employee will not compete with the company or perform any services for any competitor of the company.
  • The employee’s confidentiality and invention assignment obligations under the agreement will continue after termination of employment.
  • The agreement does not by itself represent any guarantee of continued employment.

Venture capitalists and other investors in startups expect to see that all employees of the company have signed these kinds of agreements. In an M&A transaction in which the company is sold, the buyer’s due diligence team will also be looking for these agreements signed by all employees.

A sample form of Employee Confidentiality and Invention Assignment Agreement can be found at the Forms & Agreements section of

Similarly, it will be appropriate that all consultants of the company also sign a Confidentiality and Invention Assignment Agreement. 

13. Consider the Steps You Should Take to Protect Your Intellectual Property

It is important to protect your company’s intellectual property (IP). Ever wary of minimizing burn rate, startups may be tempted to defer investment in intellectual property protection. To those who have not tried to protect intellectual property, it feels complex and expensive. Too often, startups end up forfeiting intellectual property rights by neglecting to protect their ideas and inventions.

Some simple and cost-effective techniques can minimize the anxiety, yet help protect core assets.

Companies sometimes think that patent protection is the only way to protect themselves. Technology startups frequently ignore the value of non-patent intellectual property. While patents can be incredibly valuable, it does not necessarily ensure that a company’s product is a good product or that it will sell well. Trade secrets, cybersecurity policies, trademarks, and copyrights can all be forms of IP that can be protected.

Here is a summary of the types of intellectual property protections available:

  • Patents. Patents are the best protection you can get for a new product. A patent gives its inventor the right to prevent others from making, using, or selling the patented subject matter described in the patent’s claims. The key issues in determining whether you can get a patent are: (1) Only the concrete embodiment of an idea, formula, or product is patentable; (2) the invention must be new or novel; (3) the invention must not have been patented or described in a printed publication previously; and (4) the invention must have some useful purpose. In the United States you obtain a patent from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, but this process can take several years and be complicated. You typically need a patent lawyer to draw up the patent application for you. The downside of patents is that they can be expensive to obtain and take several years,
  • CopyrightsCopyrights cover original works of authorship, such as art, advertising copy, books, articles, music, movies, software, etc. A copyright gives the owner the exclusive right to make copies of the work and to prepare derivative works (such as sequels or revisions) based on the work.
  • TrademarksA trademark right protects the symbolic value of a word, name, symbol, or device that the trademark owner uses to identify or distinguish its goods from those of others. Some well-known trademarks include the Coca-Cola trademark, American Express trademark, and IBM trademark. You obtain rights to a trademark by actually using the mark in commerce. You don’t need to register the mark to get rights to it, but federal registration does offer some advantages. You register a mark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
  • Service MarksService marks resemble trademarks and are used to identify services.
  • Trade SecretsTrade secrets can be a great asset for startups. They are cost effective and last for as long as the trade secret maintains its confidential status and derives value through its secrecy. A trade secret right allows the owner of the right to take action against anyone who breaches an agreement or confidential relationship, or who steals or uses other improper means to obtain secret information. Trade secrets can range from computer programs to customer lists to the formula for Coca-Cola.
  • Confidentiality AgreementsThese are also referred to as Non-Disclosure Agreements or NDAs. The purpose of the agreement is to allow the holder of confidential information (such as a product or business idea) to share it with a third party. But then the third party is obligated to keep the information confidential and not use it whatsoever, unless allowed by the owner of the information. There are usually standard exceptions to the confidentiality obligations (such as if the information is already in the public domain). See The Key Elements of Non-Disclosure Agreements.
  • Confidentiality Agreement for Employees and ConsultantsEvery employee and consultant should be required to sign such an agreement, as discussed above.
  • Terms of Service and Privacy PolicyIf you are a company that conducts its business on the internet, it is important to have a terms of service agreement that limits what users can or cannot do on your website and with the information on your site. Closely related is your Privacy Policy, which sets forth what privacy protections are available to your users. The new European GDPR rules may also need to be addressed.

14. Become a Strong Salesperson

If the business is to become successful, you must become a great salesperson. You are going to have to learn how to “sell” your business—not only to customers but also to prospective investors and even to potential employees.

It’s important to be positive, trustworthy, and to learn how to listen. You must practice your sales pitch, get feedback from a variety of people, and then refine your pitch. Even if you are not naturally an extrovert, you need to show confidence, follow up, and ask for the sale.

15. Understand Financial Statements and Budgets

It’s important to keep on top of your expenses and learn how to thoroughly understand financial statements and budgeting. Many startups fail because the entrepreneur isn’t able to adjust their spending to avoid running out of cash. Establishing a detailed, month-by-month budget is crucial, and this budget must be reviewed regularly.

Understanding your financial statements will also help you answer questions from prospective investors. Here are some financial statement questions you can expect to get from investors:

  • What are the company’s three-year projections?
  • What are the key assumptions underlying your projections?
  • How much equity and debt has the company raised, and what is the capitalization structure?
  • What future equity or debt financing will be necessary?
  • How much of a stock option pool is being set aside for employees?
  • When will the company get to profitability?
  • How much “burn” (losses) will occur until the company gets to profitability?
  • What are your unit economics?
  • What are the factors that limit faster growth?
  • What are the key metrics that the management team focuses on?

16. Market Your Business Like Crazy

To succeed in business, you need to continually be attracting, building, and even educating your target market. Make sure your marketing strategy includes the following:

  • Learn the fundamentals of SEO (search engine optimization) so that people searching for your products and services online might find you near the top of search results.
  • Use social media to promote your business (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.).
  • Engage in content marketing by writing guest articles for relevant websites.
  • Issue press releases for any significant events.
  • Network continually.

17. Use Consultants and Freelancers to Supplement Your Team

At the early stages of your startup, you will likely want to have a small employee team to minimize expenses. A good way to fill in for specialized expertise is to use freelancers or consultants. That way, you avoid taking on employee costs and benefits payments. And there are a variety of sites that can help you access freelancers, such as,, and

18. Have a Great Investor Pitch Deck

Startups frequently prepare a “pitch deck” to present their company to prospective angel or venture capital investors. The pitch deck typically consists of 15-20 slides in a PowerPoint presentation and is intended to showcase the company’s products, technology, and team to the investors.

Raising capital from investors is difficult and time consuming. Therefore, it’s crucial that a startup absolutely nails its investor pitch deck and articulates a compelling and interesting story.

Too many startups make a number of avoidable mistakes when creating their investor pitch decks. Here is a list of general do’s and don’ts to keep in mind:

Pitch Deck Do’s

  • Do include this wording at the bottom left of the pitch deck cover page: “Confidential and Proprietary. Copyright by [Name of Company]. [Year]. All Rights Reserved.”
  • Do convince the viewer of why the market opportunity is large.
  • Do include visually interesting graphics and images.
  • Do send the pitch deck in a PDF format to prospective investors in advance of a meeting. Don’t force the investor to get it from Google Docs, Dropbox, or some other online service, as you are just putting up a barrier to the investor actually reading it.
  • Do plan to have a demo of your product as part of the in-person presentation.
  • Do tell a compelling, memorable, and interesting story that shows your passion for the business.
  • Do show that you have more than just an idea, and that you have gotten early traction on developing the product, getting customers, or signing up partners.
  • Do have a soundbite for investors to remember you by.
  • Do use a consistent font size, color, and header title style throughout the slides.

Pitch Deck Don’ts

  • Don’t make the pitch deck more than 15-20 slides long (investors have limited attention spans). If you feel you need to add more information, include it as an appendix.
  • Don’t have too many wordy slides.
  • Don’t provide excessive financial details, as that can be provided in a follow-up message.
  • Don’t try to cover everything in the pitch deck slides. Your in-person presentation will give you an opportunity to add and highlight key information.
  • Don’t use a lot of jargon or acronyms that the investor may not immediately understand.
  • Don’t underestimate or belittle the competition (and never say “we don’t have any competition”).
  • Don’t have your pitch deck look out of date. You don’t want a date on the cover page that is several months old (that is why I avoid putting a date on the cover page at all). And you don’t want information or metrics in the deck about your business that look stale or outdated.
  • Don’t have a poor layout, bad graphics, or a low-quality “look and feel.” Think about hiring a graphic designer to give your pitch desk a more professional look.

For additional advice and a sample pitch deck, see How to Create a Great Investor Pitch Deck for Startups Seeking Financing.

19. Drive Traffic to Your Website

While entire books have been written on this topic, the key ways to drive traffic to your website are as follows:

  • Pay Google, Bing, Yahoo, or other search engines to send you traffic (such as through the Google Adwords program).
  • Build a great site with lots of high-quality, original content that is search engine optimized.
  • Have a smart social media plan to drive traffic from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other free social media sites.
  • Get links to your site from high-quality sites.

20. Make Sure Someone Hasn’t Already Invented Your Great New Idea

Here are the key things to do if you have a great new invention idea:

  • Do a Google search on the keywords associated with your invention.
  • Do a search online of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office at
  • If nothing comes up and you want to get a patent for your idea, hire a patent lawyer.

But keep refining the concept of the invention, as version 1 of your idea probably can be improved and enhanced through version 2 and version 3.

21. Don’t Go Overboard on a Business Plan

It’s useful to come up with a business plan to think through what you want to do for the development of the product or service, marketing, financial projections, and more. And you should then get input from trusted business and finance advisors. But don’t go overboard with a 50-page business plan. In reality, many startups have to deviate from their plan as the business develops.

22. Secure Capital to Finance Your Business

Here is a summary of the most effective sources of business capital:

  • Personal funds
  • Credit cards
  • Friends and family
  • Angel investors (see Angel Investing: 20 Things Entrepreneurs Should Know)
  • Crowdsourcing sites such as and
  • Bank loans/SBA financings/online lenders
  • Venture capitalists
  • Equipment loan financing

One of the biggest mistakes made by startups is not raising sufficient capital.

23. Determine Which Permits, Licenses, or Registrations You Will Need for Your Business

Depending on the nature of the business, you may need the following permits, licenses, or regulations:

  • Permits need for regulated businesses (aviation, agriculture, alcohol, etc.)
  • Sales tax license or permit
  • Home-based business permits
  • City and county business permits or licenses
  • Zoning permit
  • Seller’s permit
  • Health department permits (such as for a restaurant)
  • Federal and state tax/employer IDs

24. Set Up Appropriate Books and Records for Your Business

You will need to keep multiple books and records for your business, including:

  • Financial statements (P&L, balance sheet, cash flow)
  • Employee records
  • Board and stockholder minutes and consents
  • Stock and options ledger
  • Tax filings and records (federal, state & local income, sales and property taxes)
  • Secretary of State filings (Certificate of Incorporation, annual filings, etc.)
  • Invoices & contracts
  • Bank accounts
  • Creditor records

25. Properly Insure Your Startup

If you are going to go through the time and effort to start a business, you need to protect it by purchasing appropriate insurance coverage.

Your first order of business should be to determine your specific insurance needs based on the nature of your business. Ask yourself what risks must be covered and how much coverage will be sufficient. Then find and evaluate insurance providers or insurance brokers to determine which companies handle the types of coverage that suits your needs.

While shopping for insurance, you will want answers to these types of key questions:

  • What are the deductibles?
  • Are the coverage limits high enough?
  • What items or occurrences are excluded from coverage?
  • Are there any gaps in the coverage?

Here is a list of the types of insurance that may be appropriate for your business:

  • General liability insurance
  • Product liability insurance
  • Professional liability insurance
  • Property insurance
  • Worker’s compensation insurance
  • D&O (directors & officers) insurance
  • Health insurance for employees
  • Business interruption insurance
  • Commercial auto insurance
  • Data breach/cybersecurity insurance
  • Key man life insurance

26. Determine How to Divide Equity Among the Startup’s Co-Founders

There is no one right answer to the question of how equity should be divided among a company’s co-founders. But everyone involved should discuss this issue and come to an agreement up front to avoid misunderstandings later on. If you are the original founder and brains behind the idea, a good argument can be made for more than 50% ownership. The split should take into account the following:

  • The relative value of the contributions of the co-founders
  • Vesting dependent upon continued participation in the business (you don’t want to give away 25% of the company to someone who leaves after a few months)
  • The amount of time to be committed to the business
  • The cash compensation to be paid as an employee
  • Whether the co-founders will be contributing cash as an investment in the business
  • Whether one person wants to maintain control over decision-making

27. Understand These Key Points About Seeking Venture Capital Financing

Startups seeking financing often turn to venture capital (VC) firms, which can provide capital; strategic assistance; introductions to potential customers, partners, and employees; and much more.

Venture capital financings are not easy to obtain or close. Entrepreneurs will be better prepared to obtain VC financing if they understand the process, the anticipated deal terms, and the potential issues that will arise.

To understand the process of obtaining VC financing, it is important to know that venture capitalists typically focus their investment efforts using one or more of the following criteria:

  • Specific industry sectors (software, digital media, semiconductor, mobile, SaaS, biotech, mobile devices, etc.)
  • Stage of company (early-stage seed or Series A rounds, or later-stage rounds with companies that have achieved meaningful revenues and traction)
  • Company location (e.g., San Francisco/Silicon Valley, New York, etc.)

Before approaching a venture capitalist, try to learn whether his or her focus aligns with your company and its stage of development.

The second key point to understand is that VCs get inundated with investment opportunities, many through unsolicited emails—almost all of those unsolicited emails are ignored. The best way to get the attention of a VC is to have a warm introduction through a trusted colleague, entrepreneur, or lawyer friendly to the VC.

A startup must have a good “elevator pitch” (as discussed in point #6) and a strong investor pitch deck (as discussed in point #18) to attract the interest of a VC.

Startups should also understand that the venture process can be very time consuming—just getting a meeting with a principal of a VC firm can take weeks; followed up with more meetings and conversations; followed by a presentation to all of the partners of the venture capital fund; followed by the issuance and negotiation of a term sheet, with continued due diligence; and finally the drafting and negotiation by lawyers on both sides of numerous legal documents to evidence the investment.

VCs usually want to see that your business has made some progress and gotten some traction in the market; they will typically not fund a very early stage company or just an idea. For that, you are better off seeking angel investors.

Most venture capitalists won’t agree to sign an NDA, so don’t bother asking.

28. Pay Attention to Your Business Contracts

Business contracts are legally binding written agreements between two or more parties. They are an important part of business and such agreements need to be created and/or negotiated carefully.

While smaller businesses will often conduct business based on informal handshake agreements or unspoken understandings, the more that is at stake, the more essential it is to have a signed contract. A contract serves as the rules that must be followed by both parties. It presents each party with the opportunity to:

  • Describe all obligations they are expected to fulfill.
  • Describe all obligations they expect the other party (or parties) to fulfill.
  • Limit any liabilities.
  • Set parameters, such as a time frame, in which the terms of the contract will be met.
  • Set terms of a sale, lease, or rental.
  • Establish payment terms.
  • Clearly establish all of the risks and responsibilities of the parties.

A contract is, in essence, a written meeting of the minds. While it is typically drawn up by one party and favors the needs and requirements of that party, protecting them from most (if not all) liabilities, it should initially be thought of as a work in progress that changes and grows as each party contributes prior to signing, after which it becomes an official document. “Consideration,” whether it is monetary or a promise to do work or provide a service by a specified date, is at the root of a contract.

The term “standard contract” is more myth than reality, and too often people simply sign on the dotted line without reading or negotiating the terms of a contract. A startup has to make sure it is comfortable with all of the terms of the contract, and depending on the deal dynamics, almost any term is negotiable.

Consideration, compensation, ownership rights, liability, and risk are all areas that need to be worded carefully. You should seek out help from a qualified attorney who is experienced in contracts to make sure you have covered each of these areas in a clear manner.

The contract itself should stipulate how it shall be enforced and what actions can be taken if one party fails to meet their obligations. It is often to the benefit of smaller businesses to have a confidential binding arbitration clause to resolve any disputes.

The key contracts that a startup should have as its own form of “standard contract” (drafted in the startup’s favor) include:

  • Sales or service agreement
  • License agreement
  • Offer letter to employees
  • Consulting agreement with any independent contractors (you want to make sure that you will own the intellectual property rights for anything they develop for your business)
  • Confidentiality and Invention Assignment Agreement for employees and independent contractors
  • Non-disclosure agreement

29. If You Plan to Lease Office Space for Your Business, Focus on These Key Issues

Leasing office space is one of the largest expenses a startup can incur. Negotiating the best lease possible can save your company enough cash to hire a few more employees or launch a new marketing campaign.

Keep in mind that your ability to negotiate an office lease is dependent on how much leverage you have. Do your homework. Are other companies vying for the same space? Has the space been vacant for a long time? Factors such as these may mean the difference between you calling the shots, or a landlord insisting on onerous terms throughout the lease process.

Because no lease is standard, here are some suggestions to help you become a little more lease-savvy and negotiate a favorable office lease for your startup:

  • Length of lease term. Landlords are typically willing to make concessions for longer-term leases. However, your company’s needs may change and you could find yourself locked into a lease for an office space that is too small, too big, or with rent that is above-market if demand for space subsequently declines. Try to negotiate a shorter-term lease with renewal options—a two-year lease with a two-year renewal option, for instance, rather than a four-year lease.
  • Tenant improvements. Your new space may need some improvements or alterations (a new paint job, new carpeting, a reconfiguration of the space). Which party will pay for these improvements depends on how tight the commercial office space market is in your city. Most form leases stipulate that the tenant can’t make any alterations or improvements without the landlord’s consent. Ask for a clause that says you can make alterations or improvements with the landlord’s consent, and that the consent won’t be unreasonably withheld, delayed, or conditioned. Often, you are able to negotiate a “tenant improvement allowance,” which is an agreed-upon sum of money that the landlord will provide for the improvements and alterations you would like to make.
  • Rent and rent escalations. Some landlords will give free rent for the first month or two of a lease. Fixed rent over longer-term leases is relatively rare. Sometimes landlords insist on annual increases based on the percentage increases in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). If your landlord insists on rent escalations, try to arrange for a CPI rent increase that does not kick in for at least the first two years of the term. Then, try to get a cap on the amount of each year’s increase. If you have to live with a rent escalation clause, try to negotiate a predetermined fixed increase; for example, a rent of $5,000 a month the first year that would only increase to $5,200 a month the second year and $5,400 a month the third year.
  • Repairs, improvements, and replacements. Be aware of a clause that says that at the end of the lease you must restore the premises to their original condition. Try to negotiate a clause that states the following: “The premises will be returned to the Landlord at the end of the tenancy in the same condition as at the beginning of the tenancy, excluding (1) ordinary wear and tear, (2) damage by fire and unavoidable casualty not the fault of the Tenant, and (3) alterations previously approved by the Landlord.”
  • Assignment and subletting. Startup companies should negotiate enough flexibility in the assignment and subletting clause to allow for mergers, reorganizations, and share ownership changes. Watch out for a clause that says a change in more than 50% of the company’s stock ownership will be deemed an assignment that is prohibited without the landlord’s prior approval. As your company grows and new people invest in it, this clause can be inadvertently triggered.
  • Try to avoid one-sided lease provisions. Landlords use form lease agreements that can be very one-sided. Be on the lookout and negotiate on these types of provisions that are heavily landlord-favorable:
    • The landlord is given the right to pass on to the tenant, without limit, increased operating costs such as property taxes, building repairs, or insurance premiums.
    • The landlord tries to lease the premises “as is” or tries to disclaim responsibility for compliance with environmental laws (e.g., asbestos issues) or the Americans with Disabilities Act.
    • The landlord tries to require the tenant pay any tax increases resulting from a sale of the property.
    • The landlord tries to reserve the right to terminate the lease at the landlord’s convenience.
    • The landlord tries to prohibit the possibility of subletting or assignment.
    • The landlord insists on personal guarantee of the key shareholders of the company.
  • Consider using a tenant broker. A good tenant broker can be invaluable and will represent your company’s best interests. He or she will educate you on the current market; locate spaces that meet your stated parameters; arrange tours and accompany you to view these available spaces; and then prepare offer letters and negotiate with landlords for all spaces that work best for your company.

30. Thoroughly Research Your Competition

Make sure you are thoroughly researching competitive products or services, and keep on top of new developments and announcements from your competitors. One way to do this is to set up a Google alert to notify you when any new information about those companies shows up online.

Expect that prospective investors in your company will ask questions about your competitors. Any entrepreneurs who say that “we don’t have competitors” will have credibility problems. So anticipate these questions from investors:

  • Who are the company’s principal competitors?
  • What traction have those competitors obtained?
  • What gives your company the competitive advantage?
  • Compared to these other companies, how do you compete with respect to price, features, and performance?
  • What are the barriers to entry in your market?

31. If You Are Seeking Angel Investing Financing, Know These Important Points

In reviewing a prospective investment, angel investors especially care about:

  • The quality, passion, commitment, and experience of the founders
  • The market opportunity being addressed and the potential for the company to grow to become very big
  • A clearly thought out business plan and early evidence of early business traction
  • Interesting intellectual property or technology
  • A reasonable valuation for the company
  • The likelihood of the company being able to raise additional financing in the future if progress is made

Angel investors will want to initially see the following from a startup:

  • A clearly articulated elevator pitch for the business
  • An executive summary or investor pitch deck
  • A prototype or working model of the company’s product or service
  • Early adopters, customers, or partners

There are a variety of ways to find angel investors, including:

  • AngelList
  • Venture capitalists
  • Investment bankers
  • Lawyers
  • Accountants
  • Other entrepreneurs
  • Crowdfunding sites like Kickstarterand Indiegogo

The best way to find an angel investor is through a warm introduction from a colleague or friend of an angel. Using LinkedIn to ascertain mutual connections can be helpful.

32. Consider Adopting a Stock Option Plan to Attract and Motivate Employees

Stock Option Plans are an extremely popular method of attracting, motivating, and retaining the best employees, especially when the company is unable to pay high salaries. A Stock Option Plan gives the company the flexibility to award stock options to employees, officers, directors, advisors, and consultants, allowing these people to buy stock in the company when they exercise the option.

Stock Option Plans permit employees to share in the company’s success without requiring a startup business to spend precious cash. In fact, Stock Option Plans can actually contribute capital to a company as employees pay the exercise price for their options.

The primary disadvantage of Stock Option Plans for the company is the possible dilution of other shareholders’ equity when employees exercise their stock options. For employees, the main disadvantage of stock options in a private company—compared to cash bonuses or greater compensation—is the lack of liquidity. Until the company creates a public market for its stock or is acquired, the options will not be the equivalent of cash benefits. And, if the company does not grow bigger and its stock does not become more valuable, the options may ultimately prove worthless.

Thousands of people have become millionaires through their stock options (Facebook being one famous example), making this form of benefit very appealing to prospective employees. The spectacular success of some Silicon Valley companies and the resulting economic riches of those employees who held stock options have made Stock Option Plans a powerful motivational tool for employees to work toward the company’s long-term success.

Here’s a general explanation of how stock options are granted and exercised:

  • XYZ, Inc., hires employee John Smith.
  • As part of his employment package, XYZ grants John the option to acquire 80,000 shares of XYZ’s common stock at 25 cents per share (the fair market value of a share of XYZ common stock at the time of grant).
  • The options are subject to a four-year vesting period with one-year cliff vesting, which means that John has to stay employed with XYZ for one year before he gets the right to exercise 20,000 of the options. The remaining 60,000 options then vest at the rate of 1/36 a month over the next 36 months of his employment.
  • If John leaves the company or is fired before the end of his first year, he doesn’t get any of the options.
  • After his options are “vested” (become exercisable), he has the option to buy the stock at 25 cents per share, even if the share value has gone up dramatically.
  • After four years of continued employment, all 80,000 of his option shares are vested.
  • XYZ becomes successful and goes public, and its stock trades at $20 per share.
  • John exercises his options and buys 80,000 shares for $20,000 (80,000 x 25 cents).
  • John turns around and sells all 80,000 of his shares for $1.6 million (80,000 x the $20 per share publicly traded price), making a huge profit of $1,580,000.

33. Focus on Offering Exceptional Customer Service

Companies such as Zappos and Virgin America became hugely successful because they focused on providing excellent customer service and support. You want your early customers to give referrals and sing your praises to their friends and colleagues. Thank your customers personally by email. Go the extra mile to show your appreciation.

34. Hire an Experienced Startup Attorney

You need a savvy business lawyer for your company, one who has regularly formed and advised many other entrepreneurs and who specializes in startups. An experienced startup lawyer can help you:

  • Incorporate
  • Draw up contracts with any co-founders
  • Prepare key agreements for the business
  • Set up a stock option plan for employees
  • Guide you through potential HR landmines
  • Prepare protective offer letters to prospective employees
  • Help you negotiate terms with prospective investors
  • Limit your potential legal liabilities
  • Protect your ideas and inventions (through copyrights, patents, and non-disclosure agreements)

In a misguided effort to save on expenses, startup businesses often hire inexperienced legal counsel. Rather than spending the money necessary to hire competent legal counsel, founders will often hire lawyers who are friends, relatives, or others who offer large fee discounts. In doing so, the founders deny themselves the advice of experienced legal counsel who could potentially help them avoid many serious legal problems.

Get recommendations for lawyers from other entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. Make sure you have a good rapport with the attorney. Meet with several potential attorneys before you make a final decision (those first meetings should be free).

35. Get Comfortable With Public Speaking

The ability to communicate effectively can be critical to landing customers, inspiring employees, and pitching to investors to raise capital. Most people are not very good at public speaking and many are even afraid of it. You must strive to overcome this fear. Consider working with a public speaking or business coach to improve your public speaking skills. Some of the most recognized entrepreneurs, such as Apple founder Steve Jobs, were known for being great public speakers.

Business Startup Checklist

Business Startup Checklist
Business Startup Checklist


Business Startup Checklist

This article dedicated to helping you start your small business as quickly and easily as possible. In this section, we’ve listed the specific steps required to start your business in any State. Once you’ve formulated your business idea and know where you’ll obtain the money to fund your new startup, the next step is following our instructions for starting your business right the first time!


1. Select a Name and Legal Structure

You basically have 4 choices when selecting a legal structure.

  • Sole Proprietorship (form a Sole Proprietorship Now)
  • Partnership (form a Partnership now)
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC) (form an LLC now)
  • Corporation or S-Corporation (form a Corporation now)

Business Naming Resources:

  • Business Name Generator
  • Domain Name Search from MyCompanyWorks.WS

2. Write a Business Plan

If you know your business idea is sound, the next step is to prepare some sort of business plan. Truth be told, most small businesses are started without any type of plan. Some of the greatest businesses in the world were started on a cocktail napkin. However, this is not the course we recommend, especially if you intend to receive a small business loan or other funding in the future.

To get an overall idea of the Business Planning process, you can visit the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) site dedicated to Business Plans. Don’t underestimate the power of a good business plan. It forces you to check your assumptions and can help guide you through the difficult startup phase of your business.

There are 3 basic types of business plans:

  1. A Simple Business Plan
  2. A Comprehensive Business Plan (done via book, web or software)
  3. A Professionally Written Business Plan

Explore all three options below to see which is the best fit for you.

1. A Simple Business Plan

A simple Business Plan can be no more than one page in length and is probably more than enough for most small businesses. However, don’t be fooled by its length; a well thought out simple business plan can be a positive force throughout the life of your business and most certainly during the startup phase.

There is simply no better resource than the book (also on Kindle) called “The One Page Business Strategy” (

2. A Comprehensive Business Plan

If your company will be applying for business loans or lines of credit, a simple business plan may not be enough to satisfy the requirements of a bank or investors. Therefore, we’ve listed some great resources for those looking to build a more comprehensive business plan.

  • LivePlan – web-based interactive constantly updated business plan.
  • Recommended Book — Business Plans that Win $$$ (
  • — sample business plans, calculators, tips and advice

3. A Professionally Written Business Plan

Wise Business Plans™ specializes in creating professionally written business plans for small business owners. Staffed with accomplished MBA writers, researchers, financial experts, and graphic designers, Wise Business Plans™ is a trusted partner for businesses across the globe. With an unmatched reputation, Wise Business Plans™ is committed to empowering their clients to make the best possible business decisions, boost company performance, and facilitate funding success. With special pricing and deals exclusive to MyCompanyWorks™ customers, you can now give your small business the competitive edge with a Wise business plan.

3. Obtain your Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)

If you are setup as a Corporation, LLC or Partnership (or a sole proprietorship with employees), apply for a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) from the IRS. A FEIN will be necessary to open a bank account or process payroll.

4. Open the Company Bank Account

Select a bank and open the company bank account.

TIP: Contact the bank prior to opening the account to see what their specific requirements are to open a business checking account; some banks’ requirements are fairly simple whereas some banks’ requirements are extremely complex.

5. Lease Office, Warehouse or Retail Space (if not home-based)

Depending on your type of business (retail, office or warehouse), arrange for office space to be leased. Contacting a commercial realtor in your area can be helpful. Also, make sure to arrange for utilities and office furniture.

6. Obtain Licenses and Permits

A. Federal Permits

Depending on the type of business you are in, you may need a Federal license or permit.

Most businesses do NOT require a Federal license or permit. However, if you are engaged in one of the following activities, you should contact the responsible Federal agency to determine the requirements for doing business:

  • Investment advising ( )
  • Drug manufacturing ( )
  • Preparation of meat products ( )
  • Broadcasting ( )
  • Ground transportation ( )
  • Selling alcohol, tobacco or firearms ( )

B. State Licenses

Some occupations and professions require a State license or permit. Laws vary from State to State, however, if you are engaged in one of the following professions, you should contact the responsible state agency to determine the requirements for your business:

  • building contractors
  • banks
  • insurance carriers
  • physicians
  • appraisers
  • accountants
  • barbers
  • real estate agents
  • auctioneers
  • private investigators
  • private security guards
  • funeral directors
  • bill collectors
  • cosmetologists

State Licenses and Permits based on products sold.
Some state licensing requirements are based on the product sold. Contact your state licensing authorities to determine the licensing requirements of your business. For example, most states require special licenses to sell:

  • liquor
  • lottery tickets
  • gasoline
  • firearms

TIP: Most people engaged in the types of business that require a special State License or Permit are already aware of the requirements (i.e. an accountant is familiar with the licensing requirements for accountants).

C. Sales Tax Permit

If your company sells physical products within the state where it does business, you may have to collect and pay sales tax. This is usually accomplished by obtaining a State Seller’s Permit or Resale Permit.

TIP: Many service businesses that do not sell a physical, tangible product are NOT required to collect sales tax, ask the State taxation agency for details/clarification.

D. Business License

Most Cities or Counties require you to obtain a business license, even if you operate a home-based business. This is a license granting the company the authority to do business in that city/county.

Do I Need a Local Business License?

If you intend to operate a business from your home or an office, then more than likely a local business license will be required. The purpose of a local business license is to authorize your company to do business in your particular city or county.

If you are not really operating a business and are simply using your corporation or LLC to hold assets, property, etc., or are keeping it “on the shelf”, then a local business license will more than likely not be required. Contact your local business licensing office for clarification.

How Do I Get My Local Business License?

Business licenses are typically issued at the City level from your City Hall. If your intended place of business is not within city limits, then your business license will be issued by the County.

Getting a local business license can be a complicated task. There are over 19,000 separate licensing jurisdictions in the United States alone and each has its own particular licensing requirements. Not to mention the hours spent on the phone chasing down the right department, getting the right forms, etc.

Get Your Local Business License Forms Online Now with the Business License Compliance Package!

Using the online Business License Wizard from our partner Business Licenses LLC, you’ll be able to:

  • Determine the licensing requirements for your company by answering a few simple questions.
  • View and download all the necessary forms (fillable) and instructions in a simple online Dashboard.
  • View links and contact information for each licensing authority.
  • Save hours of research, phone calls and government red-tape.

NOTE: This package will cover one business location, additional locations are an additional fee. Also note that some industries have unusually complicated licensing (agriculture, daycare, explosives, firearms, marijuana, gaming, etc.) for which you can upgrade your package to custom assistance from Business Licenses LLC if necessary.

7. Hire Employees (if applicable)

If you intend to hire yourself or others as a full or part-time employee of your company, then you may have to register with the appropriate State Agencies or obtain Workers Compensation Insurance or Unemployment Insurance (or both).

8. Set up an Accounting and Record-Keeping System

Setup your Accounting and Record-keeping system and learn about the taxes your new company is responsible for paying.

Company documents generally are required to be kept for 3 years, including: a list of all owners and addresses, copies of all formation documents, financial statements, annual reports, amendments or changes to the company. All tax and corporate filings should be kept for at least 3 years.

9. Obtain Business Insurance

There are many types of insurance for businesses but they are usually packaged as “General Business Insurance” or a “Business Owner’s Policy”. This can cover everything from product liability to company vehicles. A decent policy can run as little as $300/year and offers a great extra level of protection.

10. Systemize and Organize

Prepare the business as if someone needed to take it over and run it for you. This means have a method to process orders, pay bills, pay employees, pay taxes, maintain your permits, etc. Basically, try to make the operational aspect of the business as automated and efficient as possible so you can concentrate on growing your business.

11. Develop a Business Identity

Order business cards, letterhead and promotional materials for your business. A professionally created logo can make your business look professional and established.

What is Business Identity?

Take three simple steps to form an effective business identity.

A memorable business identity is critical if you want to compete in your industry. Larger corporations spend untold dollars on research and design for business names, logos, and trademarks because they separate them from their competitors. An effective business identity is more than just a good name, logo, and business cards. Your company’s identity is also defined by how you market products or services and deal with your clients.

The Business Name_________

Choosing a Name

When you hear of some entrepreneurs obsessing for hours, even days or weeks about their business name, it may seem like a waste of time. But the truth is, a successful business is going to be known by that name for a long time. What’s in a name? A lot! Your business name is possibly the first thing a potential customer learns about you. Before you meet a customer for the first time, an impression has already been made, so selecting the right business name is actually a very important decision. Think about it as a customer. If you’re looking for a company to work on your computer, would you rather call on “Bob’s Computer Consulting” or “CompFast Solutions Corporation”? Most consumers compare business names and choose the one whose name identifies most closely with their needs. You wouldn’t think your electronics could be repaired by “Larry’s Auto World”, right? Or if you’re looking for a business supplier, you might go with “Bloomberg Data Solutions Inc.” over “Mike’s Computer Service”. Your business name is worth taking the time and research to make a choice you can live with and will fairly represent your organization.

Things to Consider

Choosing a business name can be fun! Follow the steps below and you’ll be on your way to a memorable business name:

Select a name that is easy to understand and remember:

You’ll want your business name to be shared easily by word-of-mouth, so make sure it is easy to understand and repeat. You can test the name by saying it out loud and asking family and friends to say it too. It’s good to hear how other people would say your business name. Unusual names can be a challenge, but may also become a vital part of your marketing strategy if it’s easy to remember. Shorter names are easier to remember and less likely to be confusing to your market.

Choose a name that can survive the growth of your company:

As in the example above, if you start out as a VCR repair company and eventually broaden out to repair DVD players, sell DVD’s or offer upgrades; then the name VCR World Inc. won’t do you any good. Choose a name that is broad enough to give your business growing room and narrow enough to retain the power to communicate its focus. Also, make sure the name will outlast current fads or trends. What will happen to “Jan’s Radical Clothing Design” in 5-10 years? It’s likely that radical will either have changed meanings or will sound
hopelessly dated.

Make your business name unique:

As a business owner, you’ll be required to file legal forms indicating your business intent and the fictitious name you’ve chosen. Your name must also be unique since two businesses in the same geographic area cannot legally operate under the same name. It’s a good idea to prepare a list of three or four alternate business names when you go to file locally or incorporate your business.

Test it: Try it out with potential customers, friends, neighbors, or whomever. Say it out loud, act like you have to answer the phone saying “Thanks for calling COMPANYNAME”. Does it sound right? Does it make sense? Does it convey what you do or want to impress upon people?

Business Naming Resources

  • Business Name Generator (100% Free)
  • Search for a Domain Name with

TIP: Searching for domain names also helps identify general business name availability.

Along with a timeless and memorable business name, an effective logo can do wonders to brand your company in the minds of your customers. The right professional logo design can leave an impression even when a customer doesn’t remember your company’s name. Some businesses are known only by their logos, like the McDonald’s “Golden Arches” or the Nike “Swoosh”.

Many first-time entrepreneurs make the mistake of either having no logo at all, or have a logo, but it isn’t professionally designed and looks homemade. Customers are drawn to products and services that are well-presented by an established brand. It’s a very small investment in any highly successful business, and it’s worth hiring a pro if you don’t know someone who can design a logo for you.

Design your logo now with our simple and creative Online Logo Maker

The Trademark

A Trademark is important for protecting your company name and logo and distinguishing your products and services from other providers’ products and services. Registering for a Trademark offers federal protection, as opposed to local and state registrations which only protect you in the state where you register.

12. Get the Word Out (Marketing)

Now that you’ve set-up the company for success, you need to get the word out. Create a marketing plan for your products and services that targets your ideal customer.

Few things in business are as important as marketing and sales. This section is dedicated to helping the small business effectively market and sell its products and services.

Marketing vs. Sales — What’s the difference?

Many times, marketing and sales are intertwined to such a degree that it’s hard to differentiate between the two. There are, however, some important differences.

Marketing is everything your company does to reach and persuade potential customers. It consists of the measures you use to find and convince your prospects that you are the company for them. It’s the message that prepares the prospect for the sale. Marketing includes advertising, public relations, brand marketing, direct mail, etc.

Sales is everything your company does to “close the sale”, sell the product or get a signed agreement or contract. The sales process includes interpersonal interaction and is often done via one-on-one meetings, cold calls, networking or sometimes via your company’s web site.

In simple terms, marketing is identifying and finding people that may need your product and service while sales is showing or convincing these people why your company is the best to provide it.

For example, obtaining phone numbers or addresses of people who are known to be interested in your product is the marketing aspect, while actually calling and convincing them to buy is the sales aspect.

Marketing 101

Marketing is the set of activities used to:

  • Find potential customers.
  • Get your potential customers’ attention.
  • Motivate them to buy.

Marketing theory is made up of the 5 P’s.

  • Product — the product or service you are offering your customers.
  • Positioning — how your customer perceives you in relation to your competitors.
  • Place — the method you make your product or service available (storefront, retail, web, etc.).
  • Price — the amount charged for the product or service, or the value exchanged.
  • Promotion — promotion is the mix of advertising, personal sales, direct mail, etc. your company uses to pursue its marketing objectives.

How do I Get Started Marketing My Business?

1. Identify Your Ideal Customer

First, you need to identify your ideal customer. This means learning as much as possible about the type of person (or company) that would be interested in your company’s product or service. This is generally called “market research” and you can begin by asking yourself the following questions:

  • Who are my current and potential customers?
  • Where do they live?
  • What is their age and gender?
  • What is their average income?
  • What do they think of my business?
  • Do they think my product or service is a good value?
  • How does my business compare to my competitors?
  • Why would they buy my product or service as opposed to my competitors?
  • How do my customers think my business compares to my competitors?

Actually, small business owners do “market research” every day by receiving returned items, dealing with angry customers, looking at competitors’ prices, etc. However, answering these questions is valuable in forcing you to think like your customer. With that knowledge, you can begin to focus on finding your ideal customer.

2. Develop a Marketing Plan

A marketing plan can contribute greatly to the success of your small business. Like a business plan, a marketing plan forces you to check your assumptions and analyze your products and services, competitors, pricing and promotion. This is helpful, especially to those starting out. Doing a marketing plan on your own without guidance can be a complicated task. The good news is there is now software to automate the difficult task of putting together a marketing plan.

From the makers of Business Plan Pro comes Sales and Marketing Plan Pro.

Sales and Marketing Plan Pro allows even the most inexperienced marketer to create and implement a marketing plan and includes “wizards” to set up your marketing plan step-by-step. It also includes over 70 sample marketing plans as well as glossaries to help you learn “the lingo” of marketing. We highly recommend this software, especially if you are new to marketing and sales.

3. Measure Results and Adjust

After you’ve created and implemented a marketing plan, you must measure the results and adjust accordingly. For many small businesses, this is usually noticing “sales are up”. However, we recommend you measure specifically which methods are producing the most sales per marketing dollar spent. A good marketing plan will include methods for measuring results.

How to Open Paytm Payment Bank Saving Account?


How can I open a Paytm Payments Bank Savings Account? Full Details
How can I open a Paytm Payments Bank Savings Account? Full Details


What are the advantages of opening a Savings Account with Paytm Payments Bank?

Paytm Payments Bank offers all the services which it does as a wallet, and additional features like:

  • No minimum balance requirement
  • All digital transactions are free
  • 2.5% Interest per annum on the money deposited in the Savings Account
  • Up to 6% interest can be earned on using our Fixed Deposit facility
  • Free digital Debit Card on opening the Account
  • Physical Debit Card will be available on request


Paytm Payments Bank Account Opening

How can I open a Paytm Payments Bank Account?

To open your Bank Account, kindly follow these simple steps.

  • Launch your Paytm App
  • Click on the “Bank” icon on the bottom right of your screen
  • Set a passcode (if not setup already) and provide nominee details for your account.
  • In case you are a Non-KYC customer, you will be prompted to book a KYC appointment
  • You will be notified when your account is created

How do I close my Paytm Payments Bank Savings Account?

For closure of your account, you will need to raise a ticket with us from the ’24X7 Help’ section in the Bank tab of your Paytm App.

If you choose to close your Savings Account only, you will still be able to use your wallet as usual.


Can I open more than one Paytm Payments Bank Savings Account?

No, only one Savings Account can be opened per customer

Inactive/Dormant Paytm Payments Bank

How does my Paytm Payments Bank account become Inactive/Dormant?

Inactive – An account that has not seen a debit or credit transaction induced by customer or third party, in the last one year is marked as inactive account. Dormant – An account that has not seen a debit or credit transaction induced by customer or third party, in the last two years is marked as dormant account.

How can I re-activate my Inactive Paytm Payments Bank Savings Account?

An inactive account can be converted to active by the customer himself/herself by any one of the following ways:

  • By performing any inward or outward transaction. Examples of customers induced transaction are transactions through debit card, standing instruction, NACH, fund transfers, among others. Or,
  • By visiting a BC Agent and on successful verification, the account is activated. Kindly check your Paytm Bank App to find the nearest BC agent. Or,
  • In case of Aadhaar based users, verification via Aadhaar linked OTP and a live selfie check. Post successful verification, the account is activated.

How can I re-activate my Dormant Paytm Payments Bank Savings Account?

A dormant account is blocked for any inward or outward transactions & hence can be converted to active only after re-verification of identity by visiting a BC Agent. Kindly check your Paytm Bank App to find the nearest BC agent.

My Paytm Payments Bank Saving account is marked Debit Freeze

Why I am not able to do transaction from my Paytm Payments Bank account?

Debit freeze is applied on account

Why debit freeze is applied on my Paytm Payments Bank account?

There is a mis-match between your transaction and your income and profession. Email and notifications were sent to you for updating your income and profession for last 2 month.

Personal Information Paytm Payments Bank

How do I check my account details in Paytm Payments Bank?

To check your account details, follow these simple steps.

  • Launch your Paytm App
  • Click on the ‘Bank’ icon at the bottom of your screen
  • Enter your bank passcode to access bank section
  • You can see your account number and IFSC code under the Savings Account section

How do I check my nominee details in Paytm Payments Bank?

To check your nominee details, follow these simple steps.

  • Launch your Paytm App
  • Click on the ‘Bank’ icon at the bottom of your screen
  • Enter your bank passcode to access bank section
  • Click on ‘Account Nominee’ under the Bank Account Services section
  • Your nominee details will be visible now

How do I add a nominee in Paytm Payments Bank?

In case you have not added a nominee during the account opening process, please follow the steps below:

  • Open the Paytm App and click on ‘Bank’ icon at the bottom of your screen.
  • Enter your bank passcode to access bank section.
  • Click on “Account Nominee” under the “Bank Account Services” tab
  • Enter your 4-digit passcode
  • You can now fill in details of the nominee you wish to assign to your Savings Account

Please note that you can have only one nominee for your account and the nominee has to be atleast 18 years of age.

How can I change my nominee in Paytm Payments Bank?

In case you wish to update your nominee, please follow the steps below:

  • Open the Paytm App and click on ‘Bank’ icon at the bottom of your screen
  • Click on “Account Nominee” Nominee under the “Bank Account Services” tab
  • You can now update/ edit details of the nominee you have already added
  • Tap on “save” to save updated details

How do I add my PAN card to my Paytm Payments Bank account?

You can add your PAN number to your account (if not done already) in four simple steps:

  • Go to Profile section of Paytm App
  • Select ‘Edit Profile’
  • Enter your PAN card number in the field ‘PAN Card’
  • Select ‘Done’ at the top of the screen.

Your PAN number is now saved with us.

Passcode Paytm Payments Bank

What is a passcode?

Paytm passcode is a 4-digit numeric code which acts as an additional security check to authorise access to your bank account details and transactions. This is to ensure a higher level of security for your bank account details and transaction history.

What is difference between my Paytm Payments Bank password and passcode?

Paytm password is a security check which allows you to login into your Paytm account and make online transactions. It is a combination of alpha-numeric and special characters.

Paytm passcode is a 4-digit numeric code which acts as an additional security check to authorise access to your bank account details or transactions. This is to ensure a higher level of security to your bank account details and transaction history.

I forgot my Paytm Payments Bank passcode. How do I reset it?

We suggest you follow below steps to reset your passcode:

  • Click on the menu on the top left corner in your Paytm App and then click on your name to open ‘Profile’ section
  • Scroll down and select the option ‘Change Passcode’
  • Select the option ‘Forgot Paytm Passcode?’
  • Enter first four digits of your Aadhaar number. If you have not shared your Aadhaar number, then enter your Paytm Password
  • Now enter your new 4-digit numeric passcode
  • Re-enter the same passcode and your passcode will be changed successfully

In case you are still unable to reset your passcode, kindly send us a screenshot of the displayed error message.

How do I change my passcode in Paytm Payments Bank?

You can change your passcode by following steps below:

  • Click on the menu on top left corner in your paytm app and then click on your name to open ‘Profile’ section
  • Scroll down and select the option ‘Change Passcode’
  • Enter your current passcode
  • Now enter new 4-digit new passcode
  • Re-enter the same passcode

Your passcode will be changed successfully.

How do I set my Passcode in Paytm Payments Bank?

If you request for savings account using Paytm App, you set Passcode over there. If you requested savings account while completeting your KYC through our BC point, you can set your passcode by 2 ways:

  • Call us at 0120-4456456
  • Set/ Change Passcode option in Edit profile section in Paytm app

Services, Fees & Charges Paytm Payments Bank

How much interest will I earn on my Paytm Payments Bank Savings Account?

Your deposit will earn interest of 2.5% p.a. on your Savings Account balance. Interest earned will be added to your Savings Account in the first week of each month.

What happens to my balances above ₹2 lakh in Paytm Payments Bank?

As per the RBI guidelines, you can hold a maximum of ₹2 lakhs in your Paytm Payments Bank account at end of the day. This limit is imposed on the sum of your wallet and Savings Account balances.

Your balance amount exceeding ₹2 lakhs is moved to a Fixed Deposit with our partner bank, IndusInd Bank, where you earn interest as per rates offered by them. You may redeem the amount in the Fixed Deposit at any time free of charge.

How do I request a chequebook in Paytm Payments Bank?

We would like to inform you that we are not issuing cheque books anymore however, you can download digital copy of cancelled cheque for your Paytm Payments Bank Account.

Follow these steps below to download digital copy of cancelled cheque:

  • Go to bank section in Paytm app and enter your Paytm Bank passcode to login.
  • Tap on the ‘All Services’ option under ‘Services’ section.
  • Scroll down and tap on ‘Cancelled Cheque’ option under ‘Download’ section.

You can click ‘Download Now’ or ‘Get PDF on ‘.

Please note that this is not an actual cheque leaf and should be used for account verification purpose only. If you need cheque Book for money transfer purposes, we suggest you to use our best-in-class UPI feature.

Startup Business Ideas

Startup Business Ideas
Startup Business Ideas

Startup Business Ideas

Some people come up with business ideas easily while others it’s nearly impossible. Those who find it easy to generate ideas don’t have an innate ability but rather they have a skill which they have learnt and practiced for some time.

You too can enhance your skill of generating new ideas through research as well as putting enough practice. Actually, making a conscious effort to notice problems or identify needs in your surroundings can help improve your ability to generate new ideas

So then, here is how you can find out-of-the-box startup business ideas.

Where Do Good Ideas Come From?

People that find it hard to generate new ideas can try the following suggestions:

  • Explore different areas that are unfamiliar to you.
  • Develop ideas slowly over time.
  • Try to find new uses for existing inventions.
  • Upgrade old platforms
  • Extract lessons from your own mistakes.
  • Generate ideas from your interaction with people online, across various modes of communication and from books.

How to Generate Business Ideas

Ideas to Solve Present Problems

Looking for ways to solve your problems or those of other people is an excellent way of generating business ideas. However, you don’t have to come up with big solutions such as those developed by Amazon, Google Uber and the like. They can be smaller problems such as those affecting people in your neighborhood.

For instance, pet owners can come up with an idea on how to handle their animal companion’s litters. An aspiring entrepreneur living in a noisy neighborhood, taking public transport or busy office can design headphones with noise-cancelling technology.

In fact, all that you have or use in your day-to-day life is other people’s inventions and that solves your problem. For instance, sunglasses protect your eyes when outdoor on a sunny day, Thermoflask keeps your food and drinks warm, dental floss pulls out unwanted food and a toothbrush cleans your teeth and more.

Likewise, you need to identify a gap in your day-to-day activities that is causing frustration. For instance, for century young drivers are charged high premiums because they lack driving experience or are considered risky drivers.

To solve this problem, Ingenie created a small black box that drivers can fit in their cars to monitor their driving style. This includes elements like speeding, braking, turns, acceleration, and so on. Next, the device assigns the driver score out of 100 every 10 days.

Therefore a driver with a better score is considered less risky and as a result, they are given a discount on their insurance policy after three month review period.

Students and teen drivers can now save up to 50% of what they initially paid for their insurance policy. Aside from getting younger drivers better premiums, Ingenie encourages safe driving which is the most effective way of lowering the insurance budget.

Therefore, form a habit of noticing small or big things that frustrate you as you perform your daily tasks at home or work. Look for pain points and eventually, you will start to enjoy the process of getting business ideas. In fact, every problem that you encounter is a perfect opportunity for you to create a solution which can be a product, service or even a company. What you’re offering will be on demand when such a problem affects many others too.

Solutions to Future Problems

Finding a solution to a present problem is one way of getting business ideas; however, you can come up with new ideas when you focus on those that might exist in the future although they’re yet to be revealed.

An excellent example is a serial entrepreneur Elon Musk who invested in Tesla Motors, and Solar City because of the bleak future of fossil fuels. Actually, Elon has taken early steps to find a solution for the future’s problems today. As result, the entrepreneur has all the time to innovate and grow his market share as other early birds join the renewable energy bandwagon.

Likewise, you can study your environment for potential problems that you can find solutions to and even if there is no market for your idea at the moment, you can create one. Still, those who believe in your cause can join you in generating solutions before the problem becomes a reality in the future.

Coronavirus pandemic created or exposed numerous opportunities. You can tap into them and create solutions before the next global health crisis.

Solutions to Evolving Needs

Food, shelter, water are physiological needs that are constant as well as emotional needs that are mostly influenced by greed, envy, pride and more.

However, products and services that satisfy these needs are not constant like them. So creating a product that meets the actual and related needs is a great idea.

For instance, the introduction of cloud storage killed the SD card and CD market. Although these products exist, their demand has shrunk because it’s easy to store your stuff online.

Cloud storage allows you to access your information, data, music, photo and more regardless of the device you’re using. Further, you can buy cloud storage from Amazon, Apple, Dropbox, and Microsoft as well as from several private companies.

Turn your Hobby or Favorite Activity into a Business Idea

You can turn something that you love doing regularly or semi-regularly or that you’re good at into a business. These include writing, social media, gardening, baking, cleaning, dancing and more.

So instead of looking for business ideas elsewhere, check within yourself and turn your hobby into a business. So generating good business ideas shouldn’t be intimidating because you can start with what you know and you will enjoy the process when you commercialize it.

Help People Save Money

Coming up with ideas that help people save money can be a great business. For instance, energy-saving light builds helps people save money on their electricity bills. They’re also affordable although they don’t last forever. Also, BP is responsible for serious Gulf-spill but its ARCO gas is cheaper than Shell and Chevron, so people still buy gas there because they save a few dollars.

Another example is Amazon which has strangled the demand for textbooks or other books in bookstores. Over the years you have been buying books from such independent bookstores and you would wish to remain their loyal customer; however, you buy your copies online because you’re able to save some dollars when you buy from Amazon.

So even when you’re making a lot of money, you still want to save as well as support environmentally responsible companies and people. The same applies when you generate an idea to help people save money, look out for money-saving tips and come up with such business ideas.

Ideas to Simplify People’ Lives

Nest thermostat helps people save energy as well as strategically placed shopping baskets can move you to shop more because you don’t have to carry your extra shopping on your hands.

It’s important to note that new ideas do not necessarily mean creating brand new products and services. Actually, you can upgrade an existing service or add fewer features to an old product to make people’s lives easier.

For instance, Garmin Nuvi added traffic updates to GPS making the product more helpful and useful. Other companies have come up with superior additions such as getting real, drive-time traffic updates on the phone as well as reroutes without having a separate GPS.

Therefore you can look for a product, service, chore or action that can be adapted to make people’s life easier and create a business out of it. Something that can create a slight change in people’s lives can become incredibly popular.

Copy Other People’s Ideas

Generally, most of the competing products and services that you find in the market were built upon other people’s ideas. Most entrepreneurs built on someone else’ idea and concealed their sources, therefore, you replicate or improve on another person’s product or service.

How to Evaluate Your Business Idea

The above tactics will help you come up with many ideas; however, not all of your ideas will be good. The following strategies will help you determine whether you can create a business out of your idea.

Does it Offer a Solution?

Best business ideas solve a problem in people’s lives. These can be your family, friends, co-workers, etc. The fact that your idea is solving a problem within your circle shows that probably there are many other people that you don’t know facing similar issues and they need a solution.

There are Paying Customers?

An idea remains simply an idea as long as there is no paying customer attached to it. While you can discredit someone’s idea, you can’t do the same to customers. Buyers are the ones that validate an idea and determines whether it has a great chance for success.

What is the Price?

There are many ways of solving people’s problems but it’s the least expensive one that wins. So when you confirm that there is a legitimate problem in the market, then establish the value that your product delivers to the world and what buyers are willing to pay for that value.

You will know whether your solution is business-worthy based on what people are willing to pay for it. People pay based on the value the solution provides.

How Large is the Target Market?  

Most ideas never get off the ground because of the lack of enough market. So your idea should have an existing niche market and it’s most likely to build a successful business if it’s improving upon what is already available.

Therefore, conduct your research to find out how extensive the need for this solution is. Look at the level of investment activity that has taken place in this industry, the trend and customers’ opinion about the problem and desired solutions.

How Passionate Are You about It?

Generally, starting a new business requires commitment in terms of time, energy, money and other resources. Therefore, your idea can only turn into a successful business if you’re passionate and truly care about it. It shouldn’t be something that you’re targeting because it simply looks lucrative.

Further, starting a business requires patience so ensure that your business idea is something you’re passionate about and have the required experience and skills.

Are You willing to Consider Other People’s Advice?

A good entrepreneur listens to other people’s advice, and are open to change. Being flexible will help you adapt your business idea to fit your customers’ requirements. Otherwise, your idea is not worth pursuing or investing your time and money in it.

On the other hand, a little tweaking can get it to market and grow into one of the corporate giants in the business world.

Have you Tested Your Business Idea?

Testing your idea with strangers will help you know whether it’s viable or not. The reason why you should test it with strangers is that they will give you an honest opinion and they make up the bulk of your target audience. Those familiar with you might fear to crush your dream.

Listen to their feedback and act on it. For instance, your target sample might tell you that your idea is fantastic and even ask how they can get it. This clearly indicates that your idea is good. On the other hand, if the majority are less than enthusiastic, then the idea is not as good as you thought.

How Realistic are Your Goals?

Turning your idea into reality can be exciting. It can cause you to have a lot of expectations when starting out. However, staying grounded and realistic when starting your business will help you establish whether there is a solid market opportunity to make it successful.

However, even an original, revolutionary idea can terribly fail if there is no viable market at the moment.

What are Your Marketing Plans for Your Business?

While it’s important to have a solution to a problem it’s also crucial to have a plan about how you will market it to the target audience. Actually, your solution might not reach the intended customer if you don’t have any marketing strategy and it can even fail before it gets off the ground.

A mix of a decent product and a solid go-to-market strategy will be a success compared to the one with a great product but no idea on how they will reach their potential customers. Also, think through it at the onset and come up with a strategy on how you will use different channels, the expected results and how to measure them.

What is Needed to Succeed in Business?

Commitment: Different businesses require different efforts. For instance, you can start and operate some as a side gig while others require a full-time commitment.

Basic Knowledge: Starting a business can be exciting but there are several critical issues that you will face along the way. However, your business will succeed if you make good decisions at the beginning. Therefore, hard work and commitment are not enough as long as you’re working on the wrong things or using the wrong process. Additionally, making good decisions is key and this can’t happen if you don’t have some basic knowledge.

Here are key issues that you should understand before launching your business.

  • How to evaluate your business idea.
  • How different your idea is from your competitors.
  • How to create a business plan.
  • How to set my pricing.
  • How to develop a great marketing strategy.

It’s important to note that you don’t need business experience to run a successful enterprise because there are several online resources that can make you a well-educated entrepreneur. Many highly experienced entrepreneurs have built platforms to mentor and coach new and young business persons.

Therefore, you can follow your passion, control your schedule, be your own boss, work from anywhere, achieve financial success, and create something of your very own, or an asset for your family by starting your own business.

Great Business Ideas to Get You started

Clothing Line

The demand for clothes has always been on the rise because babies are born every year, kids are growing, young adults graduate and join the corporate world and more. All these different stages in life require a new set of clothes.

On the other hand, starting a clothing brand is easier than ever because you can easily contract out production. You also don’t need a brick and mortar store along a busy street because you can sell them online via your own website, social media, or existing platforms such as eBay and Amazon.

Further, you don’t need hundreds of thousands of dollars to start. All that you need is to choose your target audience, i.e. newborns, kids, teens, corporate, wedding, casual or official outfits. Next, start your clothing line small and work to grow it. Ralph Lauren who started with a few neckties has a whole fashion empire

Further, you don’t need any experience to start a clothing business. For instance, Burgeon Outdoor founder has a finance background but he now owns an apparel line that focuses on outdoor wear for the mountain region.

Dog Walking Business

Dog walking seemed a very simple business prior to Covid-19 but it has turned out to lucrative full-time business. Many people adopted or bought pets during the lockdown period when social distancing was necessary to stop the spread of coronavirus.

With the increase of pet owners who need to go back to work or take holiday vacations post the pandemic, businesses providing solutions to such clients are now making huge revenues.

Aside from walking dogs, you can offer overnight dog boarding, sitting and training. Your regular repeat customers will keep seeking your services if they like you as well as recommend you to their friends when they meet at the dog park.

Still, you can hire additional people if you have a highly passionate target market or even sell the business if you get tired of walking dogs and make over a million dollars.

Jewellery Making Business

The demand for handmade jewellery and the unlimited venues for selling them have contributed to successful jewellery businesses across the globe.

You can begin making your jewellery at home and sell them on websites such as eBay and Etsy, or in flea markets, craft fairs or jewellery shops.

Still, you can create your own website, build a social media presence or email list in order to develop repeat customers, acquire new ones and build credibility.

Holly Christensen began her jewellery business at home. She started assembling her beach sand jewellery on her kitchen table, sold them at local craft shows and now she sells them through retailers across the world.

Tutoring Service

The development of new technology in the education industry has introduced new learning methods and changed the way students and teachers interact during and post the health crisis.

Starting a tutoring business has been made easier by the availability of the internet, videoconferencing applications such as Zoom and Skype, and the demand for homeschooling.

So you can begin with first graders if you believe you have what it takes to be a tutor, or higher levels if you have more advanced skills. Alternatively, you can start the tutoring business and hire additional tutors to do the job if you don’t have the needed skills but you’re passionate about this easy-to-start business.

Other tutoring opportunities are helping kids improve their university or college entrance test scores. You can also teach music, or a foreign language if you’re a native speaker or proficient in it.

Cleaning Business

Not everyone is willing to do the cleaning because it’s hard and also some full-time parents have tight work schedules. Therefore, you can start a residential cleaning business to target such clients. Additionally, you can specialize in industrial sites and office cleaning, hazardous waste removal and removing debris from construction sites.

A cleaning business can even have one repeat client because most people want their homes or offices cleaned regularly. Entrepreneurs have turned their cleaning businesses into multi-million dollar businesses by adding additional crew and services while remaining the primary contact with your customers.

Landscaping Business

Take a look around your neighborhood and see how the lawns are. If they are not well attended to then you can start a small business and grow it at your own pace.

For instance, you can begin by offering basic lawn cutting services and then add services such as weeding, edging, applying fertilizer, irrigation, snowplowing, yard clean-up and leaf collection.

Still, you can keep on increasing the number of services as you add customers. This includes planting small trees, bushes or flowers, creating beautiful landscapes, designing, architecture for commercial locations and high end home.

These add-on services can quickly add up your income and take your business to another level. You can market your business through online platforms as well as traditional marketing channels.

Professional Photography

There are different kinds of photography that you can engage in. They include wedding photography, real estate photography, portrait photography, commercial shoots for business and more.

Additionally, you can engage in photojournalism, sell your outstanding photos through stock photo services or the photo art world.

Although many people believe that anyone with a smartphone can turn into a photographer having excellent photography skills can make a huge difference. They can take you to the most prestigious photography events and your photos can sell for thousands of dollars.

Professional Trainer

Individuals that are passionate about fitness can use their skills or knowledge to help people get fit. The good news is that today you can offer personal training online, at a local gym or in people’s homes.

Good personal trainers can reach potential customers through effective marketing messages such as on Facebook. Creating an online one-on-one personal training sharing it on Facebook and other social media platforms can drive traffic to it because many people want to keep fit and feel good about themselves.

Still, you can also create a website where you share videos and relevant articles, or send emails with compelling marketing messages.

Consulting Business

This is a lucrative and rewarding business opportunity for experts in certain fields or industries. People with specialities including human resources, sales, logistics, small business coaching, executive coaching, social media marketing, accounting, website strategies and more.

Many people are becoming consultants because the digital world has intensified the rate of change, and the demand for new knowledge.

Offering a flat rate package instead of an hourly fee can help new or those with less experience in consulting practice get new clients.

You can begin by updating your LinkedIn, create a credible website, or send out brief newsletters and emails.

Resume Writing

Most people that started resumes writing business as a small side gig went full time because of the increased demand for this service. Actually, many talented professionals are not good at writing resumes. Starting a business to help them turn their skills, experience and capabilities into a job-winning resume can be profitable.

So begin by adding a good amount of appropriate search engine friendly keywords, keep the resume as short as one page unless it belongs to the top executives and avoid writing an attendance record. That means in addition to your previous job responsibilities, include your accomplishments, achievements, or changes.

Such resume services are in great demand as well as LinkedIn profile writing that helps freelancers, professionals and entrepreneurs either power up sales or get attention in their industry.

Freelance Writing

The easy-to-start business requires a computer and expertise. Writing is wide and includes news articles, resumes thank you notes and marketing materials.

Being conversant with various writing styles as well as punctuation and grammar rules can help you launch your freelance writing business. Still, you can work with profiles such as Fiverr, or Upwork as a freelance editor.

Still attending writer meet-ups and writing workshops can help you sell your services. You can also ask your previous clients for more work when you complete their projects because steady work is key for freelancers.

Content Marketing

This kind of writing is designed for businesses that want to bolster their marketing efforts via blogs, websites, social media and emails. Your writing services grows as your know-how in content marketing increases.

You can do that by studying search engine optimization (SEO), tactics to make your content rank well in the search engine results, as well as how to make a good blog post, social media posts and email messages.


You can come up with a generous amount of out-of-the-box business ideas when you study your environment, successful entrepreneurs or browse the internet for potential gaps and openings in the market.

The post has provided you with suggestions on how you can generate good business ideas, evaluate them and some of the small businesses that you can consider based on your passion and expertise.

So start writing your ideas about the kind of problems you would like to solve and test them to find out whether they can turn out to be a successful business.

Career in Beautician

Career in Beautician
 Career in Beautician

The courses related to the study as well as application of different kinds of beauty treatments are commonly called beautician courses. This is even known by the name of Cosmetology. This has got several specialized branches, the names of some of which are as follows:




Hair coloring

Hair styling

Manicures and pedicures

Skin care

The various courses on cosmetology primarily focus on hairstyling and other diverse sections of beauty treatments like manicures, facials and many more. However, their main focus area includes hands, feet and face of a human body. These courses assist someone in gaining in-depth knowledge about this field, which in turn helps him or her in becoming a trustworthy beautician. After completing their training in cosmetology, an aspirant can either work as a beautician in any beauty salon or set up their own salon and help people look beautiful.

Current Scenario of Beautician in India

Cosmetology has always been a good career option to people, who have got a sound aesthetic sense. Over the past 6 to 8 years, the beauty industry of the Indian Republic has witnessed a rapid expansion. The nation houses many institutions, which offer varied beautician courses, which range from certificate to diploma courses. The duration of such courses depend on the nature of the course and thus, range from weeks to months that mostly includes a period of internship as well. This helps one in getting work experience about the same. Post gaining such experience, the beauticians, working in various beauty salons of the Republic of India pursue additional courses that assist one to excel in any of the specialized fields of this domain. To name some of the famous beautician courses, which are prevalent in India are:

Advanced Certificate in Beauty Culture

Advanced Certificate in Hair Designing

Advanced Diploma in Cosmetology

Certificate Course in Beauty Culture

Certificate Course in Hair Dressing

Certificate Course in Spa Therapies

Diploma in Beauty Culture

Diploma in Cosmetology

Diploma in Hair Dressing

Diploma in Makeup

Post Graduate Diploma in Cosmetology

Entrance Exams for Beautician

The students, who seek admission in any of the institutions of beautician courses in the country, needs to appear for the admission tests conducted by those institutes. One of the most important examinations in the field of Cosmetology in India is CIDESCO (Comite International d’Esthetiques et de Cosmetologie) examination, which is conducted every year by the Association of Beauty Therapy and Cosmetology, the Indian branch of the CIDESCO. International. They are even known for conducting the ABTC certification examination, qualifying in which signifies that the concerned skin therapist has successfully completed the entire syllabus of the beautician course.

The below mentioned table provides information about some of the popular institutions of India, which imparts education on Cosmetology:

Top Beautician Colleges in India

S. No Name of the Institute Courses Offered Contact Address Contact Telephone Number Contact Email Address

1 Butic Institute of Beauty Therapy and Hair Dressing Butic Institute of Asthetic Advance Hair Dressing Basic Hair Dressing Post Graduate Diploma in Beauty, Body Therapy and Hair Dressing Mahim – 1, Rupdarshini, Lt. Dilip Gupte Marg, Mahim, Mumbai – 400 016, Maharashtra, India. + 91 – 022 – 2445 2873

2 Butic College of Beauty or B. C. B., Pune Basic Hair Dressing Advance Hair Dressing Post Graduate Diploma in Beauty, Body Therapy & Hair Dressing Sadashiv Peth – Ish Kripa, 219, Sadashiv Peth, Pune – 411 030, Maharashtra, India. + 91 – 022 – 2433 5487 [email protected] and [email protected]

3 Christine Valmy International School of Esthetics or C. V. I. S. E. Hair extensions Japanese straightening Hair Styling and Hair Dressing Course 2nd Floor, Landmark, Pali Naka Road, Bandra (W), Mumbai – 400 050, Maharashtra, India. + 91 – 022 – 2640 3296

4 Enrich Salon and Academy or E. S. A. Beginners Course in Hair Dressing Men’s Haircut Program G – 1/ 2, Sheraton Classic, Charatsingh Colony, Chakala, Andheri – East, Mumbai – 400 093, Maharashtra, India. + 91 – 022 – 4073 8000/ 05

5 L. T. A. School of Beauty or L. T. A. S. B. Basic Hair professional – Hair Level I Complete Hair Professional Hair Chemical professional – Hair Level III Hair Dressing Program – Hair Level II Hair Cut Professional Hair Related Courses A – 102, Prathana Star, Swami Nityanand Marg, Sahar Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai – 400 069, Maharashtra, India. + 91 – 022 – 3257 3032/ 6520 0479 [email protected]

6 Nalini Hair Academy or N. H. A. Basic Program in Hair Dressing Hair Refresher Course Personal Grooming with Hair Styling and Makeup Professional Make – Up and Hair Styling Bholenath Plaza, CTS 1238, Guru Nanak Road, Near Bandra Talao, Bandra West, Mumbai – 400 050, Maharashtra, India. + 91 – 022 – 6510 0232/ + 91 – 098194 09230 [email protected]

7 Polytechnic for Women Diploma in Beauty Culture and Hair Dressing A – 3, Ring Road, South Extension Part – I New Delhi – 110 049, Delhi, India. + 91 – 011 – 2462 4049/ 2469 9855

8 Radion Bhuvan Career Supermarket or R. B. C. S. Advance Diploma in Hair Dressing Opp. New Empire, Near New Empire Cinema, Above Asiatic Travel Agency, Near C. S. T. Station, Maharashtra, India. + 91 – 022 – 2285 3022/ 81

9 Shahnaz Husain’s Beauty Institute or S. H. B. I., Delhi Advance Hair Diploma Holder Hair (Basic and Advance) Hair Styling 2nd Floor, Kohinoor Mall, Masjid Moth (On Savitri Cinema Road), Greater Kailash – II, New Delhi – 110 048, Delhi, India. + 91 – 011 – 2453 8174/ 4064 4236

10 Shahnaz Husain’s Beauty Institute, Durgapur Advance Hair Diploma Holder Hair Styling Hair (Basic + Advance) Durgapur, West Bengal, India. [email protected]

Aviation Courses in India – Career in Aviation

Aviation Courses in India - Career in Aviation
Aviation Courses in India – Career in Aviation

Aviation sector has opened up the gateway of opportunities for ambitious youngsters in India. Number of flights and airports have increased manifold in the recent years and domestic sector is completely transformed. Apart from public Indian airlines, there are many private operators in the fray such as Go, Indigo, KingFisher, Jet airways, Jet Konnect, Deccan 360, Club One Air, Blue Dart Aviation and SpiceJet. There are many positions available in this sector such as Pilots, Aeronautical Engineers, Air Hostesses, and ground staff such as Air line ticketing agents and customer service executives. 


Current Scenario of Aviation Courses in India

  There are many courses available in India to make a highly adventurous career in aviation industry. At airports too, there is tremendous demand for people skilled in flying operation and aircraft maintenance. In the field of safety and control, positions are available in air traffic management and aviation safety. Skilled manpower is always needed for implementing regulatory policies for government and regulatory bodies and handling technical aspects of flying. 

Aviation offers diverse opportunities in India and there are many programs and courses available for these. For cabin crew the courses include flight attendant courses, flight deck crew courses, pilot training in Indian aviation, commercial pilot training course, cabin crew and in-flight services, and air hostess courses. In the safety department people are required with an aviation safety training instructor course. However, it is mandatory that the aviation courses offered in India comply with the rules prescribed by the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). 

For maintenance and engineering, you can go for aircraft maintenance engineering course or an aeronautical engineering course. Apart from it you can also go for cargo management, avionics, and flight booking section. People with professional qualifications in aviation sector can also apply for jobs overseas. The prominent global airlines such as Emirates, Lufthansa, British Airways, Qantas, Etihad, Cathay Pacific and Malaysian airlines recruit people who are professionally qualified in the aviation sector. 

The remuneration offered in this industry is among the best. A senior pilot gets around 4 to 5 lakh rupees a month, whereas even a fresher may easily get 20,000/- p.m. Though the courses available in aviation sector are a little expensive, there are a lot of banks which finance these courses due to the highly paid nature of jobs. Getting a student loan is not that difficult as the jobs are almost assured and the paychecks offered are hefty. 

Major Aviation Examinations in India

  There are a lot of institutes in India which provide courses in aviation. They conduct their own entrance exams. A B. Tech in aeronautical engineering is available through IIT Joint entrance exam. You can visit “” for the exams conducted by Indian Institute of Aeronautics, Delhi. 

Top Aviation Colleges in India

Indian Institute of Aeronautics, Delhi

Bharat Institute of Aeronautics, Patna

Indian Institute of Aeronautics Science, Jamshedpur

Indian Institute of Aeronautical Science, Kolkata

Avalon Aviation Academy

Hotel Management Courses in India – Career in Hotel Management

Hotel Management Courses in India - Career in Hotel Management
Hotel Management Courses in India – Career in Hotel Management

At the present time, Hotel Management is one of the most recognized and attractive career options in India. A degree or diploma in hotel management equips a student with the professional qualification that is necessary for getting a good job in the hotel and hospitality sector of the country. Students can go for a hotel management degree or a diploma offered by all the recognized colleges and institutes in India.


After finishing their graduation or diploma in hotel management, students are absorbed as trainees. After they complete their training, the jobs they will get will begin with a pay package of around INR 7,000 to 10,000. Once they become experienced job aspirants, they can ask for increased pay packages. The principal objective of the hotel management courses in India is to make the students ready to confront the difficulties in this world which is full of contest. Hotel management forms an important part of the contemporary service industry.

Current Scenario of Hotel Management in India

  Hotel management stands for specialized management methods implemented in the hotel and hospitality industry. The domain of hotel management comprises housekeeping, hotel administration, food and beverages management, front office, upkeep, marketing, and accounts. Hotel management is one of the lucrative and promising career options of the present-day scenario. 

When a student qualifies with a hotel management degree or diploma and gets a job, he has to fulfill certain responsibilities like regulating budget and devising economic strategies, managing and guiding the hotel services, boosting business, attaining profit and cost objectives, and communicating with service providers, customers, and vendors. He also has to look after instructing, recruiting, evaluating the hotel employees, settling the issues and grievances of the customers, upkeep, suitable lodging and substitution of furniture, and satisfy health, safety, and certification requirements.

At present, hotel management is one of the rapidly growing professions in the country and is estimated to grow further and create many employment opportunities for those who have the ambition of becoming hotel managers.

In India, the duration of a hotel management course varies according to the type of course. The duration of certificate courses ranges from 6 months to 1 year while the duration of diploma and bachelor’s degree courses ranges from 2 years to 3 years.

Mentioned below are the various areas where students qualifying with a degree or diploma in hotel management can get suitable employment:

Guest houses

Restaurants and hotels

Cruise ship hotel management

Forest lodges

Airline cabin and catering services

Hotel and tourism organizations

Hospitality management and food preparation

Club management

Hotel and catering institutes

Institutional management (cafeterias in schools, colleges, factories, company guest houses and so on)

Catering divisions of banks, railways, military, shipping organizations and so on

Last but not least, a person can work as a self-employed professional in the hotel management industry. The courses in hotel management can be categorized into the following:

Bachelor in Hotel Management and Catering Technology (BHMCT)

Post Graduate Diploma Course in Dietetics and Hospital Food Service

B.Sc. (Hospitality and Hotel Administration)

Craftsmanship Course in Food & Beverage Service

Craftsmanship Course in Food Production & Patisserie

M. Sc. (Dietetics & Food Service Management)

Certificate Course in Hotel Catering Management

Diploma in Food & Beverage Service

BA/ BA (Hons) – Hotel Management

Diploma in Hotel Management & Catering Technology

B.Sc (Hotel Management, Catering & Tourism)

M.Sc. (Hospitality & Hotel Administration)

Craftsmanship Course in Food Production

Certificate Course in Food Production

B.Sc (Hotel Management)

International Diploma in Hotel Management

Certificate Course in Food and Beverage Service

Post Graduation in Program Management (PGPM) + MBA in Tourism & Hotel Management

B.Sc. (Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Tourism)

B.Sc (Hotel & Tourism Management)

Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology (BHMCT)

Hotel Management Entrance Exams in India

National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology Joint Entrance Exam (NCHMCT JEE)

Institute of Hotel Management (IHMs) Joint Entrance Examination for B.Sc Hospitality & Hotel Administration

Bharati Vidyapeeth University HM Test

Under Graduate Aptitude Test (UGAT)

Chandigarh Institute of Hotel Management Admission Test

IITM – Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management Entrance Test

Institute of Hotel Management Aurangabad Admission test

MAH-HM-CET Maharashtra Hotel Management Common Entrance Test

IHM Meerut Admissions Test

Merit Swiss Asian School Of Hotel Management, Ooty Admissions Test

NIPS School of Hotel Management Admission Exam

Top Hotel Management Colleges in India

Welcomgroup Graduate School of Hotel Administration, Manipal (WGSHA)

Redcarpet Hotel & Culinary Academy

Institute of Hotel Management, Catering and Nutrition, Pusa, Delhi

Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition (IHMCTAN)

International Institute of Hotel Management, Kolkata

Institute of Hotel Management, Aurangabad

A-IHM Institute of Hotel Management

Indian Institute of Hotel Management (IIHM)

Institute of Hotel Management-Bangalore (IHM-B)

M.A. Rangoonwala Institute of Hotel Management & Research

PCTE Institute of Hotel Management

Institute of Hotel management, Catering and Nutrition, Ahmedabad

Subhas Bose Institute of Hotel Management (SBIHM)

Institute of Hotel Management (IHM) – Mumbai

Oberoi Centre of Learning and Development – Delhi

Institute of Hotel Management (IHM) – Delhi

Welcomgroup Graduate School of Hotel Administration (WGSHA) – Manipal

Institute of Hotel Management (IHM) – Bangalore

Institute of Hotel Management (IHM) – Aurangabad

Institute of Hotel Management (IHM) – Calcutta

Institute of Hotel Management (IHM) – Chennai

Christ College – Bangalore

Institute of Hotel Management (IHM) – Ahmedabad

IHM (Taj Group), Aurangabad

IHM, Mumbai

IHM, Chennai

IHM, Gwalior

IHM, Hyderabad

NSHM School of Hotel Management, Durgapur

Rizvi College of Hotel Management, Mumbai

Amity School of Hospitality, Noida

Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Delhi

Federations of Hotels and Restaurants Association of India FHRAI (FHRAI )

Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management (IITM) – Bhubaneswar, Gwalior

The India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC), New Delhi

Indian Institute of Hotel Management (managed and held by the Taj Group of Hotels), Aurangabad

The Oberoi School of Hotel Management, New Delhi

National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology, New Delhi

Army Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Bangalore

Shree Devi College of Hotel Management, Mangalore

Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition, Chandigarh

Air Hostess Courses in India

Air Hostess Courses in India
Air Hostess Courses in India

Air hostess, often called stewardess, cabin crew or flight attendant, is one of the female members, whom an airline company employs to be a part of the aircrew. Their primary job role includes ensuring the comfort and safety of passengers traveling in different kinds of flights. Apart from this, such flight attendants are even tasked with various types of customer services like serving drinks and meals to the passengers. Starting from welcoming the passengers to giving demonstration about the different emergency devices is even part of the job role of an air hostess.


Their work schedule involves working at odd times as well depending of the schedule of the flight, which they are assigned with the duty for. As per the regulations related to the international safety of the air travelers, each and every flight needs to have a specified number of air hostesses. 

Current Scenario of Air Hostess Courses in India

  Many students from all over India wish to build up a career in this field. The financial crunch that affected the sector of Indian civil aviation during the year 2008 shattered the confidence of public in terms of choosing this field as a career. However, the youths of this nation have now been able to regain that confidence and have started once again to enroll them in the different air hostess training institutes. Several students from the Indian Republic even travel abroad to pursue varied courses related to this career. 

Generally, the graduate candidates are preferred for such a profession. However, many other pre-requisites are required that are judged in the admission tests of the different institutions in India that impart training on this field of study. The nature and duration of such examinations can vary from one college to another though. Apart from being a graduate, one, who aspires to be an air hostess in this nation, is required to fulfill some other criteria, some of which are mentioned below:

Age limit within 18 years to 25 years

Confident wearing smart dresses

Good communication

Good eyesight

Fluency in the English language

Knowledge about first aid

Knowledge of different foreign languages

Knowledge of swimming

Medically fit

Minimum 5 ft and 2 inches with balanced weight

Without criminal background

People friendly

Pleasing and presentable personality

Positive attitude

Stress handling ability

Unmarried females

Valid passport

Work pressures handling capabilities

A person, who have successfully passed the Plus Two level of education but qualifies these entrance level examinations of the Indian air hostess institutes, are even eligible to enroll themselves for a course for becoming an air hostess. 

Major Air Hostess Examinations in India

  The selection procedure of the different air hostess institutions of India includes a written examination, which each and every candidate aspiring to be an air hostess, needs to pass. However, the aspirants first need to clear the screening test. The nature and level of the examination might vary from one institute to another. The entrance examinations even depend on the nature of the course as well. 

Top Air Hostess Colleges in India

  The nation houses numerous air hostess training institutes that range from most reputed to average ones. The following table shows names and other contact information of some of the best air hostess institutions in India:

S. No. Name of the Air Hostess Institute Contact Address Contact Number E Mail Address

1 Air Hostess Academy or A. H. A., Bangalore 144/ 1, Shubharamb Complex, 1st Floor, Next to I. N. G. Vysya Bank, M. G. Road, Bangalore – 560 001, Karnataka, India. + 91 – 080 – 3057 8222 to 27 [email protected]

2 Air Hostess Academy, Delhi N. C. R. A. H. A. House, 7 L. S. C. Panchsheel Park, New Delhi – 110 017, Delhi, India. + 91 – 011 – 4163 3181 [email protected]

3 Air Hostess Academy, Chandigarh Sco – 485 and 486, 2nd Floor, Sector – 35 C Chandigarh, India. + 91 – 0172 – 507 4635 [email protected]

4 Air Hostess Academy, Mumbai 408, 4th Floor, Maurya Estate, Link Road, Andheri (West), Mumbai – 400 053, Maharashtra, India. + 91 – 022 – 4010 1000 to 04

5 Air Hostess Academy, Pune Kamla Arcade, 4th and 5th Floor, Kamala Arcade, J. M. Road, Deccan, Pune – 411 005, Maharashtra, India. + 91 – 020 – 6604 8421 to 29

6 Frankfinn Institute of Air Hostess Training or F. I. A. H. T, Delhi C 12, Vishal Enclave 2nd Floor, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi, India. + 91 – 011 – 2517 0644

7 Frankfinn Institute of Air Hostess Training, Mumbai Best Buliding, ‘A’ Wing, 5th Floor, S. V. Road, Opposite Andheri Railway Station, Andheri (W), Mumbai – 400 058, Maharashtra, India. + 91 – 022 – 2670 6039 to 41 [email protected]

8 Kingfisher Training Academy or K. T. A. Time Square, Western Express Highway, Andheri (E), Mumbai – 400 069, Maharashtra, India. + 91 – 022 – 6780 3800 [email protected]

9 Rajiv Gandhi Memorial College of Aeronautics or R. G. M. C. A. Opposite Sanganer Airport, Jaipur – 302 011, Rajasthan, India. + 91 – 0141 – 279 2359/ 279 1654 [email protected] and [email protected]

10 Universal Aviation Academy or U. A. A. Universal Aviation Academy Pvt. Ltd., Old No. – 38, New No. – 15, South India Co-Operative Building, Anna Salai, Chennai – 600 002, Tamil Nadu, India. + 91 – 044 – 4294 8000 [email protected]

Animation and Cartoon Design Courses in India

Animation and Cartoon Design Courses in India
Animation and Cartoon Design Courses in India

There is a surge in the demand for cartoon animators in recent years. Advertising industries and cartoon films production centers need professional animators who can use their drawing skills with a set of advanced software to produce exciting cartoon shows, films and animated commercials. In this technique, specific frames are created by sketching or computer designing and they are used for creating animated movies without using any camera or real objects ever. There are different jobs and work profiles that are allocated to the team members creating animated cartoons. 


Current Scenario of Animation and Cartoon courses in India

  The individual roles may vary from director, composer, story board artist, sound and visual experts and other cartoon animators. 3D animations are also becoming very popular due to the sheer appeal and visual quality they have. Specialized computer programs are used to create interesting 3D animations. To produce feature length cartoon films, hundreds of animators are required. 

While seeking admission into an arts school, you might be asked to submit a portfolio of the work produced by you. This portfolio should highlight your creative skills and should be in a format that is desired by the arts school, you are seeking admission into. Fine arts program in animation cover all the required topics needed to learn computer graphics and animation techniques. Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) is considered to be standard program for this. Internship with magazines and studios may also help you raise your employability. 

A two year program in animation from a reputed arts and animation school will equip a candidate with character development, movement, modeling and 3D animation. The course will also train you to use popular animation software to create animation and other visual effects. The degree level course will include 3D animation software and applications such as 3DS Max (Autodesk), third party rendering options such as Brazil R/S, finalRender and V-Ray, AC3D (Inivis), Aladdin4D (DiscreetFX), “Animation:Master” and Bryce (DAZ Productions). Apart from it will also teach you life drawing, character modeling, design fundamentals, creating storyboards, advanced animation techniques and digital imaging. 

The career options in animation and cartoon designs are varied and it depends on the level of expertise one possesses. The entry level positions are available with the animation studios for the fresh BFA pass outs. Some of the opportunities in this industry are to work as advertising graphic artist, graphic animator for manufacturing companies, 3D animator, animator for television, print media cartoonist, video game animator, production artist, internet cartoonist, special effects animator, and illustrator. 

Major Animation and Cartoon Design Examinations in India

  You can seek admission into a bachelor’s degree program such as BFA or a certificate course from a reputed animation school in traditional animation, computer animation, graphic design and multimedia. To work at managerial levels such as art directors, you need to have a college degree in arts administration covering exhaustive syllabi in fine arts and animation.

Top Animation and Cartoon Design Institutes in India

You can go for a BFA degree from Jawaharlal Nehru architecture and Fine Arts University. Apart from it, some other reputed institutes are:

AJK Mass Communication Research Centre

Arena Animation Chandigarh

Arena Animation Chennai

Arena Animation Delhi

Arena Animation Mumbai

Arena Animation Thrissur

Arena Animation Trivandrum

Frameboxx Chandigarh

Frameboxx Mumbai


B D Somani Institute of Art and Fashion Technology

Computation Centre

CREA TVT Visual Communication Pvt. Ltd.

Digital Academy

DQ School of Visual Arts (DQSVA)

Career in Merchant Navy in India

Career in Merchant Navy in India
 Career in Merchant Navy in India

The fleet of merchant vessels, which are registered in a country, is called a merchant navy. Varying in capacity, a merchant navy is even called a merchant marine. The British shipping fleet was bestowed the “Merchant Navy” title by King George V. Such a naming was the result of their service in the World War – I. No sooner, this title was adopted by many other nations as well.


It is a commercial fleet, which is non-combatant in nature and deals with the transportation of cargo. At times, this includes passenger transportation as well. Thus, the fleet of merchant navy includes the following:

Cargo liners


Passenger vessels

Specialized vessels


Anyone, who wish to prosper in this field expect to have a career that is featured with long and adventure voyages to interesting places. Moreover, the excellent and promising opportunities, which the job role in merchant navy offers attract many people. A person working in this field needs to stay away from his or her home, family and friends for long since; the job necessitates staying on a marine vessel for a longer period of time. 

Current Scenario of Merchant Navy in India 

In the present days, many students aspire to build their career in merchant navy. In this country, such a lucrative career, mainly, involves the below mentioned designations:

Deck watch keeper

Marine engineers

Navigating officers

Radio officers

The shipping companies of this country, mostly, hire merchant navy professionals on the basis of contracts, which generally remain valid for the duration of 6 months to 9 months. Though in the earlier days, the profession was solely meant for the male population of the Republic of India, but nowadays, many women are joining the different institutes of this nation that offer different courses related to this field. Such courses can be pursued both as a graduate and post graduate level of study. At the graduation level, the degrees conferred by the different institutes in India are B. Sc. and B. Tech. Apart from the degrees of M. Sc. and M. Tech., one can even do a M. B. A. in Logistics and Shipping Management at the post graduation level of study in the field of merchant navy in India. The different merchant navy institutions offer varied diploma courses as well. 

Entrance Exams for Merchant Navy

The institutions located all over India, which offer different kinds of courses on this field conduct entrance examinations that one needs to qualify so as to get admission in those places. The most important entrance level examination, which is held at the national level for the enrollment of the students in the government merchant navy institutions, is called A.I.M.N.E.T or All India Merchant Navy Entrance Test. Following are some of the other popular merchant navy entrance examinations, which are conducted in different parts of the country:

L.B.S or Lal Bahadur Shastri College of Advanced Maritime Studies and Research Merchant Navy Entrance Test

J.E.E or Joint Entrance Examination of M.E.R.I or Marine Engineering and Research Institute Joint Entrance Examination, Kolkata

J.E.E of Marine Engineering and Research Institute Joint Entrance Examination, Mumbai

T.S or Training Ship Chanakya J.E.E

Top Merchant Navy Colleges in India

  This nation has got many merchant navy institutions, which are known for offering quality courses to the students, who intend to prosper in this field. These colleges range from government ones to private ones. The names and basic contact details of some of the most famous merchant navy institutions in the Republic of India are provided in the below mentioned table:

List of Top Engineering Colleges in India

S. No. Name of the Merchant Navy College Contact Address Contact Number E Mail Address

1 Institute of Technology and Marine Engineering or I.T.M.E Jhinga, Diamond Harbour Road, P.O Amira, South 24 Parganas – 743 368, West Bengal, India. + 91 – 0953174 – 245 078/ 245 078 [email protected]

2 International Maritime Academy or I.M.A 41, Giri Road, T. Nagar, Chennai – 600 017, Tamil Nadu, India. + 91 – 044 – 4350 2120 [email protected] and [email protected]

3 Lal Bahadur Shastri College of Advanced Maritime Studies and Research Hay Bunner Road, Mumbai – 400 033, Maharashtra, India. + 91 – 022 – 371 9944 to 46 [email protected]

4 Maharashtra Academy of Naval Education and Training or M.A.N.E.T Gate No. 140, Loni Kalbhor, Rajbaug, Pune – Solapur Highway, Pune – 412 201, Maharashtra, India. + 91 – 020 – 2691 2901 to 2904 [email protected]

5 Marine Engineering and Research Institute, Kolkata P – 19, Taratolla Road, Kolkata – 700 088, West Bengal, India. + 91 – 033 – 2401 4673 to 4676 [email protected]

6 Marine Engineering and Research Institute, Mumbai Hay Bunder Road, Mumbai – 400 033, Maharashtra, India. + 91 – 022 – 2372 5987/ 2775 9757 [email protected]

7 S.I.M.S or Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies, Mumbai 5th Floor, Sai Commercial Building, B. K. S. Devshi Marg, Govandi Station Road, Govandi, East Mumbai – 400 088, Maharashtra, India. + 91 – 022 – 6799 3545 [email protected]

8 T.M.I or Tolani Maritime Institute Talegaon – Chakan Road Induri, Talegaon Pune – 410 507, Maharashtra, India. + 91 – 02114 – 242 000 [email protected]

9 Training Ship Chanakya Karave, Nerul, Navi Mumbai – 400 706, Maharashtra, India. + 91 – 022 – 770 1880/ 3876 [email protected]

10 V.A.M.S or Vels Academy of Maritime Studies Velan Nagar, Pallavaram Chennai – 600 117, Tamil Nadu, India. + 91 – 044 – 2266 2512/ 14 [email protected]