Credit Limits – Tally.ERP 9

Credit Limits - Tally.ERP 9

Credit Limits

Tally.ERP 9 provides you with the feature to set threshold limits for the trading transactions with your Sundry Debtors. On setting the Credit Limits, transactions beyond the specified limit are restricted. This feature is very significant in reducing potential bad debts.

To activate Credit limits,

  • Set Maintain Budgets & Controls to Yes in F11: Accounting Features

    To set Credit limits,

    Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledgers >Credit Limits,

  • Select the required Group.
  • Specify the Credit limit for each ledger account and the applicable credit period

    You can also define the Credit Limits for individual ledger accounts at the time of creation /Alteration, in the Ledger Master screen.