Apply Formatting in M S Excel

Formatting Cells

In MS Excel, you can apply formatting to the cell or range of cells by Right Click » Format cells » Select the tab. Various tabs are available as shown below

Formatting Cells option
Formatting Cells option

Alternative to Placing Background

  • Number − You can set the Format of the cell depending on the cell content. Find tutorial on this at MS Excel – Setting Cell Type.

  • Alignment − You can set the alignment of text on this tab. Find tutorial on this at MS Excel – Text Alignments.

  • Font − You can set the Font of text on this tab.Find tutorial on this at MS Excel – Setting Fonts.

  • Border − You can set border of cell with this tab.Find tutorial on this at MS Excel – Borders and Shades.

  • Fill − You can set fill of cell with this tab. Find tutorial on this at MS Excel – Borders and Shades.

  • Protection − You can set cell protection option with this tab.