Complete Book-keeping – Tally.ERP 9


Complete Book-keeping - Tally.ERP 9

Complete Book-keeping

 Flexible Reporting

Tally.ERP 9 can be used to generate financial reports, accounting reports, inventory reports, statutory reports and management control reports.

1.6.1 Bird’s eye View/ Drill Down Display:

Tally.ERP 9’s unique features provide you with the required information at a glance. For example- Ratio Analysis and Statistics provide you with wealth of information for decision making in a single screen.

The Statistics showing list of masters and vouchers will appear as shown :

1.6.2 Drill Down Display

Tally.ERP 9 allows you to drill down from any report to its various lower levels till the voucher level. For e.g. you can view a Balance Sheet report and select a required group from it and drill down to the voucher level. Any changes made by you in the voucher (i.e. if allowed by current security levels), are reflected real time at all levels.

1.6.3 Date based Reporting

In Tally.ERP 9, you can generate reports by selecting a particular date or a date range. You can also compare reports of two selected periods, months or financial years. Reports in Tally.ERP 9 are generated based on the transaction date and not on the date of actual entry thereby ensuring accurate representation of information. Tally.ERP 9’s unique and simple approach to reconcile bank statements is based on date of transaction and realisation.

1.6.4 Voucher and Cheque Printing

Tally.ERP 9 provides you with a facility to print all types of vouchers. You can print a voucher on save or you can print it later. It is also possible to print formal receipts and cheques. The real benefit for a user is that you issue cheques to parties only after accounting the payment transac- tions

To activate Cheque printing,

Go to Gateway of Tally > F11: Features > F1: Accounting Features

  • Set Enable Cheque Printing to Yes
  • Enable Set/Alter Cheque Printing Configuration to Yes
  • Enter the Company Name on the Cheque (if cheque is not preprinted with Company Name)
  • Enter the Bank Name (as created in the Ledgers)

    Company Cheque Details Screen

    Tally.ERP 9 allows you the flexibility to specify the payee’s name other than the ledger account under which the payment is accounted. Once the voucher is saved, Tally.ERP 9 prompts you to print the cheque.